
Armeni is a terrestrial world with an unusually thin atmosphere of krypton and xenon. Its surface is composed of silica with deposits of carbonaceous materials. The initial flyby probe of Armeni detected multiple areas at the equator with oddly regular surface protrusions.   Closer investigation revealed these as millions of elaborate crypts a few meters below the surface, left by a long-extinct space-faring species called the zeioph. Many human universities wish to perform archaeological excavations. Council law holds grave sites as sacrosanct, however, and the matter has been tied up in court for a decade.  
  • Terrain: Cold Barren Deserts and Mountains
  • Radius: 6,077 km
  • Day Length: 57.8 Standard Hours
  • Orbital Period: 151.3 Standard Years
  • Atmospheric Pressure: 0.18 atm
  • Surface Temp: -168 Celsius
  • Surface Gravity: 0.8 G
  • Mass: 0.721 Earth Masses
  • Population: None
  • System/Star: Knosses
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