
Vebinok is a small terrestrial world with a thin atmosphere of krypton and xenon. Its frozen surface is mainly composed of carbonaceous material, water ice, and low-density silicates. Rare but concentrated iodes of light metals have been deposited by asteroid impacts. One hemisphere of Vebinok is covered by surface deposits of oxidized copper. Approximately 270 years ago a Turian bulk gas transport was attacked by pirates in the Phoenix system. Damaged, it made a rough landing on Vebinok. The heat of the landing melted significant quantities of surface ice, and ruptured shipping containers spilled LOX across the surface. Before this evaporated and escaped Vebinok’s weak gravity, it reacted to cause the widespread rust.  
  • Terrain: Ice
  • Radius: 3379 km
  • Day Length: 68.3 Standard Hours
  • Orbital Period: 94.5 Standard Years
  • Orbital Distance: 24.7 AU
  • Atmospheric Pressure: 0.27
  • Surface Temp: -154 Celsius
  • Surface Gravity: 0.28 G
  • Mass: 0.078 Earth Masses
  • Population: None
  • System/Star: Phoenix
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