BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Matelo Kaloje

11700 PR


The Laws of Matelo Kaloje

There is Magic, along with Ki and Psionics (Psionics is common in the underdark, the ultimate foil of the mind over fantasy). Ki also exists as a wholistic understanding of oneself.

There is also the interplanar nature of the world; the spirit world is paralel to the material, and the Outer Planes are fueled by belief.


The world came to be through natural processes of planetary creation; asteroids smashed together around a young star, and their collective gravity created a planetoid. An impact event created the moon, another asteroid was caught in the world's gravity to create the minor moon, and the rings were made when a final asteroid was torn to pieces by the gravitational pull of the world.

The other realms of existence are magical echoes, resultants of natural processes of planet and society building. They are reflections of nature, the world, and peoples' collective unconsciousness.

Principal Geography & Features

The northern plataues are seperared from the coastal plains by a mountain range. Coming off the east is a large peninsula running to the west, and a western seaboard comes down from the base of the peninsula. Beyond the peninsula are an array of prairies.

In the sky are rings, blocking out the sun during the winter in temperate and higher lattitudes.

Initial Active Setting

Just a region, somewhat analagous to the Pacific Northwest of North America. Much of the Flora and Fauna will be based on it, without the megafauna extinctions.