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Jack of Navigation (a.k.a. Navi)

More commonly known as Navi, he was the first Gear to awaken after their long sleep in the Angra-Nenu. Awoken by The Court of Misfits, he joined them, but had his mind absorbed by The Collective One during its creation.

Physical Description

Body Features

As one of the earliest created Gears, Navi more resembled a robot than the gears that followed him.

Special abilities

Navi was infused with some oracular powers by their creator and could shoot small stars as well as call down the immense cold of space in short burst. He could also alter his projection quite well, allowing him to mimic the natural abilities of other creatures.

Specialized Equipment

Navi's combat gear included a powerful null blade, a laser pistol, a stun gun, and an emp gun. While they had basic combat training and could wield all the weapons, Navi was not designed for combat, and thus their skills with the weapons are minimal.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Navi was created by the strange creators of the Angra-Nenu to act as a worker on the starship. Navi's main goal was aiding in navigation and served directly under the mysterious captain. Like all of the gears, they were shut down when the ship crashed, but was reawakened when the Court of Misfits delved into the bridge of the ship. From there, they were able to reactive the surviving Gears. Without a further purpose, they joined the guild, and aided in the classification of technology. They help convert the Rat King's Cellar into a war machine and fought in the invasion of Nenu-Lan on the city's behalf. They were present at the final conflict during Operation: Starfall, and their mind was overtaken by the birth of the Collective One.


Navi was highly trained in space navigation, star reading, and the operation of heavy machinery.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Navi was one of the most important of the Gears pre-crash of the Angra-Nenu, working directly under the ships mysterious captain.

Personality Characteristics


With their master dead and the ship they piloted destroyed, Navi was despondent when they first awoke. They quickly found a new purpose in working for the Court of Misfits, happily following their orders.

Representation & Legacy

As one of the first gear models, Navi is viewed as a slightly mythical figure among the surviving gears. Many gears view their assimilation into the Collective One as a natural progression of the gear's servitude, and most have joined their minds to it as well.



Navi always spoke in a robotic tone, and often struggled with the nuances of human speech.
Current Status
Absorbed into the Collective
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Before their absorption into the Collective, Navi gained the title of Jack of Navigation in the Court, being placed in charge of coordinating the guilds movements throughout the city.
Date of Birth
20th of Arda, 4,100 AC
Date of Death
3rd of Ixa, 4,100 AC
4100 4100 0 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Circumstances of Death
Mind absorbed into the Collective One
Place of Death
They / Them / It
120 lbs
The Collective One
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Navi spoke the language of the stars, Aklo, and was able to pick up Maran Common with ease.


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