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The Court of the Collective

Both the ruling guild of the technological city of Nenu-Lan, and the primary church of the demigod known as the Collective One, the Court of the Collective's members sacrifice fractions of their personalities and minds to become a part of the demigods hive-mind.


While the Courts official territory is only the crashed starship known as the Angra Nenu and its surrounding radioactive wasteland, it holds a massive sway over the city of Nenu-Lan due to its military presence and its control over alien technology.   The Court of the Collective also rebuilt the destroyed guildhall of the Court of Misfits as a tavern and community center in the slums, named the Collective's Celler.


The Church holds power over a massive army of robots, gears, and other technological creations that can be unleashed with just a thought from the Collective One. Despite the agreements for peace, the Church continues to grow its followers and construct more battle machines.

Divine Origins

The Court of the Collective was formed when the Collective One absorbed the minds of the members of the Nenu-lan guild the Court of Misfits, and through their psychic link rebelled against its abuser and becoming a haven for the displaced.

Cosmological Views

The Collective One is not part of the cosmology of the world, and is instead an outsider, formed from unique circumstances. Manny fear that its creation is the ploy of one of the Fiendish Lords or another sinister god, and thus fear its new presence in the world.

Tenets of Faith

The Church of the Collectives main goals seem to be to repair the crashed starship that the city of Nenu-Lan is built around, and to spread technology and its hive mind to different corners of the world. Members work mostly on recruitment and ascension, but also searching for lost bits of technology that have made their way out of the city throughout years.


The Court is mostly focused on expansion and furthering technology rather than a strict moral founding, however they push for organization and community, especially for those often forgotten and abandoned by society. The Court believes that everybody has an ideal place, like wheels in a giant machine, they simply must find the right configuration for everyone. Many are frightened by the prospect of losing your individual mind into a greater whole, but members assure people that it is a gradual process more like an evolution of the mind rather than a destruction of the mind.


Many worship simply by standing still and feeling the presence of the Collective in their mind, but many also chant strange and alien words or phrases the make little sense to those outside the Collective.


Preisthood takes place though mental training and communing with the Collective One, with the highest ranking priests becoming having their minds absorbed fully into the hive-mind and essentially becoming mouthpieces for the Collective One. When in need of advice on specific areas of expertise, some priests attempt difficult rituals to commune with specific individual minds lost to the Collective, often hearing from many experts on the subject before making a decision..

Granted Divine Powers

The hive-mind of the Collective One allows members of the Court of the Collective an constant sense of belonging and a sense of each others presence. The closer a member is to the Angra-Nenu that the member is, the stronger this link becomes. Many are able to speak to each other telepathically, as well as split magical effects, both positive and negative, between them. Many become powerful psychic spellcasters or technomancers, able to manipulate the minds of others or summon robotic beings to protect them. Some extremely powerful priests can even transform themselves into robotic swarms and overwhelm their opponents.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The Court of the Collective has immense control over the various guilds of the city of Nenu-Lan, and acts as an overseeing guild, keeping the others in line. When disputes between guilds erupt, the Court of the Collective is called upon to mediate. The Court also has a representative sit in at all official meetings between the city and other nations, and acts as the general government in cases of foreign affairs.


The Collective is divided into two main sects, the Inner Collective and the Outer Collective. The Inner Collective mostly remains inside the Angra-Nenu, and tends to the inner workings of the ship and the Collective Ones main vessel. Many of these members have had their minds fully integrated into the Collective, and are more extensions of the Collective One itself rather than individuals.   The Outer Collective are the members who work outside the ship in the city of Nenu-Lan. These members often don't have as strong as a connection the the Collective One, and maintain most of their autonomy. Many seek to attune themselves further to the Collective and be promoted to the Inner Collective, as they view it as an ascension of sorts to join their mind with the demigod.

Become One

Founding Date
35th of Ixa, 4100
Religious, Organised Religion
Predecessor Organization
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
While gold is the traditional currency, the Court often pays for services in rare technology.
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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