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Alar (Ah-lar)

Dwarves native to the realm of Skovasil, the alar are resolute destroyers of the undead and other corruptive forces of the world. Like most races of Skovasil, the lack of exposer to sunlight leaves the alar with very pale skin, and an alars eyes are colored completely black.


Major language groups and dialects

Alars often learn to speak Alka instead of Orcish.

Shared customary codes and values

The alar view it as their divine mandate to hunt out and destroy the undead, especially vampires. The alar are one of the most protective warriors of the Free Lands in Skovasil, constantly preventing the vampiric lords of the Exha Baronies from expanding.

Average technological level

The alar practice in the blending of holy magic and weaponry, creating blessed weapons are creating systems that can easily distribute holy water. They are always experimenting on new ways to destroy or purge undead threats.

Common Etiquette rules

While the alar waste no time on pleasantries while acting in defense of the realm, all creatures who attempt to enter a alaran fortress are required to strip for inspection, so that it can be confirmed that they have not been secretly infected by an undead disease or other affliction. This process is never ignored, even in the direst of times, as a single mistake can lead to an entire outpost transforming into a bastion of the undead overnight. Do to this, the alar are much more comfortable revealing themselves to others when the need arrives.

Common Dress code

Alar clothing is much more tight fitted then even regular dwarven cloth, as many undead diseases are transferred through skin contact and open wounds. Many alar carry with them one-time use items that create bursts of light, to help defend against the many creatures who are weak to light that roam the realm.

Art & Architecture

Alar fortresses are grand and Victorian, often incorporating silver or other holy metals to help ward the building from being entered by evil creatures of the night.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

All alar are required to serve at least one year in the military in some capacity, so that they all may learn to defend the home against those who would threaten it.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

If a alar baby is not blessed by a ordained priest of Herthicara within an hour after birth, it is considered a cursed child stained by the darkness of the realm. Thusly, most alar families have a priest attend the birth along with any midwives.

Coming of Age Rites

An alar is not considered a true adult until it has battled some sort of undead creature, gaining extra praise if they manage to destroy it.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Alars bury their dead in massive underground tombs that are often blessed by a priest. They craft elaborate traps to guard these crypts, both to keep out graverobbers and slay any potential member of the tomb that rises as an undead.

Common Taboos

Willingly creating an undead (including allowing a member of a squad to succumb to a wound that would turn it into an undead) is a penalty that brings death.

Common Myths and Legends

Most alars primarily worship Herthicara, the dwarven god of warriors, but can be found venerating other members of the dwarven pantheon and other deities that detest or destroy the undead.


Beauty Ideals

The alar care little for physical beauty, but are wary of scars, as many wounds from dark creatures can lead to unholy transformations. However, those who bear the wounds of battle against the forces of the night are viewed as war heros, and are praised for their sacrifice.

Gender Ideals

Alars have little in the way of gender ideals, as all must be strong to survive against the dark forces of Skovasil and the undead who menace them.

Courtship Ideals

Most alar fall for a member of their hunting squad, and often start a family with them once their requiredd time in the military is over. Free time is a rarity in alaran society, and thus spending personal time with another instead of using it for yourself is a valued commitment.

Relationship Ideals

Alars often work as squads, and must trust and rely on their squads with their life. This leads to the alar having very close bonds with these squad members, even among individuals in the squad who may disagree with each other. This often means that they have a hard time trusting those outside of their squad, especially those who come from one of the four Necromantic Baronies, as they could easily be an undead monstrosity in disguise.

Major organizations

Alar hunt squads are often hired out to other races of the Free Lands for their extperise at combating the undead and other dark forces that threaten the daily lives of its citizens.

Random Alar Homelands
% Rolled Homeland Trait Gained
01-62 Dwarven Stronghold Child of Platinum
63-83 Necromantic Barony Deathkeeper
84-94 Non-Alar Settlement Mediator
95-00 Unusual Homeland (Roll on Unusual Homeland table)
Encompassed species
Related Organizations
Related Locations
An alar replaces the standard dwarf traits of Darkvision, Defensive Training, and Hatred with the following traits:   Light Sensitivity: An alar has darkvision of 90 feet, but become automatically dazzled in areas of bright light and take a -2 penalty on saves against spells with the light descriptor.   Shadow Hunter Dwarf: An alar gains a +2 dodge bonus on AC against undead creatures and a +2 racial bonus on saves against spells and spell-like abilities of undead creatures. These bonuses increase by 1 for every 4 hit dice the alar possesses beyond the 1st.


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