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Church of Authority

The followers of the Supreme Deity known as the Author, the Church of Authority more often act as librarians, record keepers, and storytellers than an actual church.


The Churches greatest asset is their expert knowledge on the methods of making ink and paper, which grants them a near monopoly over the creation of holy books.


Temples of the Church of Authority are often large libraries or printing workshops, with the Scribes storing countless books in their massive archives.   The Temple of the Divines, the largest church in the world, and one that is dedicated to the worship of all the Deities, is primarily run and staffed by Authorians.

Mythology & Lore

The Church of Authority believe that all of creation stems from the Author, who crafted the beginnings of world from their own blood.

Divine Origins

Due to the ancient legends of the creation of Ygg and the Nine Realms, the Church of Authority has been around since the dawn of mortal life, although they have taken many forms over the eons and different realms, sometimes ruling with tyrannical might and other times being bastions of free expression.

Tenets of Faith

While the Authorian codes are often less stringent and up to more interpretation than most religions, nearly all Authorians follow some form of the following code:
  • All of the world is thanks to the Author, and thus I will offer my thanks to them each day.
  • Every trial is part of the Grand Story, and thus I will always trust the Authors' judgement and never succumb to despair.
  • I will not deny the call to adventure, as adventure is the heart of stories.
  • I will write something new every day, so that I am always contributing to the Grand Story.
  • I will always hunt those who would seek to corrupt the Grand Story without mercy or hesitation.
  • My choices are a part of the Grand Story. I will stand by them, and not place the blame of my decisions on the Story.


The ethics of the church vary wildly by sect and region, with some believing that they must strictly follow the story of the Author, and work tirelessly to interpret what the Author's will is so they can enforce it upon themselves and others. Others believe that they are active participants in the story, and thus seek adventure and choice so that they can have a lasting impact. A rare few simply believe that every action they take is already written, and that they hold no responsibility for their actions, at times even going on dark assassinations sprees as they view it as their prewritten destiny.


Worship of the Author often takes the form of the writing or telling of a story, with the narrator often burying a written story in the ground so that the roots of Ygg may take the story to the Author for review. Many Authorians keep personal journals blessed by a priest solely for this purpose.


General priests of the Church of Authority are simply known as Scribes, with many taking specific roles based on their sect and with the Church itself ruled over by a leader known as the Grand Writer. Scribes are usually tasked with trying to interpret signs from the Author and help with the operations of their church and sect.

Granted Divine Powers

Authorians are often granted many varied and flexible powers, and thus are feared and respected throughout the Nine Realms. The most devout are granted powers including the ability to magically hold attention of others with their words, gaining resistance to the Materils and their elements, the ability to damage foes with iron books, the ability to duplicate magic simply by writing down words, the ability to kill others by simply writing down their names in their books, and the most feared ability to commune with the Author themselves and ask directly for divine intervention.   The Author's favor is believed to be felt through one easily being able to translate their thoughts to words, finding stray and interesting pieces of paper on the ground, and remembering something important, while their disfavor is said to manifest through writers block, consistent bad luck, and constant headaches.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Due to the Authors' nature as a Supreme Deity, the Church of Authority holds immense political power, and has in the past often ruled over entire nations, either overtly or through political back dealings. Due to a near monopoly on the secrets to creating ink and other items necessary for the creation of holy books, the Church of Authority also has immense influence over other religions.


The church is divided into many sects, as many have different interpretations of the Author's Grand Story, but the overall church is divided into 5 factions.   The Keepers: These members act as librarians and caretakers, maintaining the upkeep of temples and helping others find their place in the church.   The Writers: Theses members of the church create new stories, often researching the adventures of others and creating stories around them, or crafting educational books to distribute to the public. They also help bring the joy of stories through festivals and oration.   The Readers: Theses often younger members of the church travel the world, seeking to experience the story of the Author first hand, while earing funds and glory for the church. They often join up with adventuring parties, seeking to partake in a Grand Story of their own. They often retire after their adventure and take up a role in another faction.   The Editors: These members work as ambassadors with governments and other religions, working to help in public services that are of interest to the church, such as the creation of paper and ink for use, crafting and usage of newsletters and holy books, and keeping and eye on activities that might other organizations might take to damage the Grand Story.   The Teachers: These members help educate others in the art of reading and writing, and are a large source of income for the church, as they are often hired out to educate the children of nobility.   The Erasers: The most secretive and feared faction of the church, these members hunt down and destroy the enemies of the church, ranging from aberrant monsters to those who have angered or harmed the church. They often do not restrain themselves to only punishing the perpetrator, and will at times go to great lengths to remove all trace of that offender from existence, ranging from the tampering of memories to the slaughter of the offenders friends and family

"Make Your Story"

Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
Interpreters of the Story
Leader Title


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