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The Author

The Writer of the World

The first and strongest deity of the world. It is believed that they live in a small house at the peak of the World Tree, where them and their servants work to write the story of the world into being.

Divine Domains

The Author has dominion over storytelling, and thus grants many creative and flexible powers. Divine followers of the Author often gain access to the Glory, Knowledge, Luck, Nobility, and Rune Domains, as well as the Aeon, Fate, Imagination, Language, Leadership, Legend, and Thought subdomains.


The Author writes the history of the world in an ancient book known as the Tome of History, which is said to hold the true names of every being in creation. They also hold the Quill of Destiny, which is said to be able to completely be able to rewrite the destiny of any creature. However, it is accepted by even the evilest of creatures that if any creature other than the Author ever got a hold of either of those artifacts, that the consequences would be far too disastrous to even comprehend.

Holy Books & Codes

The Author themselves has never transcribed any sort of holy book other than the Tome of History, but the Church of Authority has written their own holy tome in the Authors place, known as the Holy Grimoire, in which each Grand Writer has added their own additional chapter.   Authorians believe that all of life is part of the Author's Grand Story, and thus live their life dedicated to being a part of or interpretating the correct actions to take in the Grand Story.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Author's divine symbol is an open book with a quill in the center.

Tenets of Faith

Most Authorians follow the following code
  • All of the world is thanks to the Author, and thus I will offer my thanks to them each day.
  • Every trial is part of the Grand Story, and thus I will always trust the Authors' judgement and never succumb to despair.
  • I will not deny the call to adventure, as adventure is the heart of stories.
  • I will write something new every day, so that I am always contributing to the Grand Story.
  • I will always hunt those who would seek to corrupt the Grand Story without mercy or hesitation.
  • My choices are a part of the Grand Story. I will stand by them, and not place the blame of my decisions on the Story.


The Church of Authority celebrates several holidays   The Beginning: The 1st of Vata and the first day of the year, the Beginning is believed to be the day the Author started creation, and thus the Church of Authority holds massive celebrations of the New Year. These celebrations are often worked on in in tandem with other religions as the date is considered holy for several other churches, such as the Church of the Beyond. It is also considered good luck for a member of the church to start writing a book on this day.   Publishing Day: Held on the 23rd of Ixa, this day is held in special regard for high ranking members of the Church of Authority to release new books, both among their own ranks and among the public.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The Authors' divine goals are a mystery to the even the other gods, and are a subject of high debate in the Church of Authority. Some believe that the Author takes a more passive roll, only recording history as it comes to pass and making small adjustments here and there, while others state that the Author has meticulous control over everything that has ever happened or that ever will happen.

Physical Description

Body Features

The Author has no definitive physical form, and even doesn't seem to have a preferred on. The few beings that have ever communed with them often never see them, instead often receiving their communion in the form of books. For the even fewer that have ever seen a vestige of the reclusive god (including other deities), each on of them has seen a different form of the Author, with some seeing a kindly red-haired woman, a younger scrawny man, and even an entire team of people over various races.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Author originally existed as a nameless primordial and solitary being, from long before the creation of Matera. Eventually, this being became lonely, and decided to try to create something, thus naming themselves the Author, writing the World Tree into existence from their own blood. The first deities then emerged from Ygg, given form by the Authors' words, and together began to sculpt the world of Matera, under the Authors' guidance.   Working with Draganna Kalila Piitag, the Author wrote the first mortal creature into being. This unnamed mortal lived only for a single day, before glimpsing something beyond and expiring, becoming Death and creating the Gate of Truth. It reveals to the Author that a story that never ends is no story at all, and with those words codifies the creation of the Four Horseman and the eventual end of the world. After this event, the Author retreats into the Hovel, content to let their children work on creation while they write the future into being.   Eventually, for reasons debated, the Titan Promet splits the First Flame of Creation, and is punished for his actions by the gods. Chronu, the Eldest Titan, enraged by this act against his kin, travels to the past and attempts to change the Author's story, warping the newborn deity Cabmov into a monster and kicking off the Titan Rebellion, and igniting war between the gods. The age of strife continues to escalate for 1,000 years, and with the 9 Realms on the brink of war with each other and the divine, the Author finally interceded. Using their power and the Cosmic Force to create a new living deity, The Rier, a living magical boundary that separated the Realms from each other. They then summoned the other true gods into Ygg, and decreed that they may no longer directly interfere with the mortal world, beginning the Age of Separation.

Gender Identity

Many people debate the gender of the Author, and thus most use they/them pronouns when speaking generally of them.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Due to the Authors' role in the beginning of creation and the belief that the Author influences all future events, some give thanks for every accomplishment in the world to them.

Failures & Embarrassments

Due to the belief that the Author has control over the future, some blame the Author whenever anything goes wrong, although some of his followers claim that the Author simply records the future as it becomes the present, and thus only has nominal influence over it.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

It is believed that humanity is the favored race of the Author, due to their creation being of a mixture of the Materils, their vast spread about the world, and their constant impact on history.

Personality Quirks

Like their physical form, those rare few who have actually met with the Author state wildly different interpretations of their personality, leading some to believe that the Author changes based on who they interact with. Some bolder folk even claiming that the Author might not a single deity, but may in-fact be several deities or might even only exist in different forms at specific times.


Contacts & Relations

The Author is often associated with Draganna Kalilia Piitag, due to their work on the crafting of history together. Despite often posing dangers to the world, the Author seems to have no disdain for even the evil deities. They are even once believed to have stated "There can't be stories of heroes without villains."   It is debated among the Authorians if the Author hates Chronu and the Titans for attempting to change their story, or if the betrayal of the Titans was part of the narrative the entire time and was destined to happen. All Authorians consider the Dark Tapestry and their minions the true enemies of the Author, as such elder and unknowable beings seek to utterly destroy and corrupt everything that the Author has built, returning the world to the emptiness that came before.   Unlike the other gods, the Author has no herald, no creature to deliver divine wisdom to the mortal world. Many Authorians believe that the Author still influences the mortal world with their power, and that they work through the direct actions of groups of mortals. This causes many to believe that groups of adventurers themselves often act as temporary heralds of the Author, often unknowingly acting out their will as they embark on grand quests.

Family Ties

Due to the Authors' work in forming creation, they are considered to be the progenitor and the head of the family of all the deities.
Divine Classification
Supreme Deity
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Author is most often referred to as the Writer of the World, but their other titles include the Maker, the Supreme One, or just the Writer.
Quotes & Catchphrases
Followers of the Author have one major saying   "It is Written": Said when an Authorian as made up they mind and won't be convinced otherwise; referencing that their choice has been recorded in the Tome of History   "Write Your Story": Said to those in need of guidance, and as an encouragement for people to take action. After all, everyone has the story of their life to create.
Ruled Locations


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