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Church of the Iron Order

The followers of Thanaloc, the deity of Cosmic Order and Law. The church of the Iron Order often acts in legal systems, as well as seeking out and destroying the creatures of chaos. Many other churches have delegations from the Church of the Iron Order as permanent members to help them with combating entropy and facilitating organization.

Public Agenda

The main goal of the Church of the Iron Order is to spread law to the lawless, helping to conquer wild areas, create cities, and craft civil services to spread law to all areas of the world. Many guardhouses are fundeded by the Church, and thus many town guards are members of the Church of the Iron Order.


Most temples of the Church of the Iron Order are either styled similarly to guardhouses or large courtrooms, so that their members can train both in the way of the sword and the way of written law. Shrines to Thanaloc are often built in the forms of large statues in public squares, allowing for people to congregate around them and increase their interaction with those who craft the law.

Divine Origins

As many follow the belief that Thanaloc is the 5th oldest being in creation, the Church of the Iron Order has been around since the dawn of civilization, with many of its followers even claiming it to be instrumental in the founding of many countries. It was one of the primary and dominate religions of Ancient Welthrone, but it has slightly diminished after the ascension of Tathallion as the Hero of Humanity.

Cosmological Views

According to the church, Thanaloc was instrumental in helping craft the universe, working closely with Draganna Kalila Piitag to instill order into the world. It is believed that he crafted almost all known rules, ranging from rules of physics to the innermost secrets of magic.

Tenets of Faith

The order is heavily regulated and bound by rules, with countless levels of and layers based on the local sects approximation to danger. The most devout are expected to follow the following rules to the letter:
  • I will be rational an ordered in my manner and methods; acting rashly only brings about entropy faster.
  • I will strive to fight against the agents of chaos who would shatter the rules that bind and keep the world functioning. If such creatures cannot be convince of the salvation of law, I will ensure they do not escape to spread their entropy.
  • I will always follow the rule of law; If a law is unjust, I will work within the system to change the law from within.
  • I will always make plans for the future; those who fail to plan are responsible for their own failures.
  • I will not corrupt and bend the natural laws of the world, as they were put into effect by creatures far more knowledgeable than myself.
  • I will strive to learn and grow to better myself. Order takes time to master, so I will take time to master myself.


The church is more concerned with upholding law itself rather than the ethics behind said laws. If the law brings order, prosperity, and progress to civilization, the church feels little need to question the methods of the law. Still, the church mostly to favor laws with many protections from abuse, as cruelty can easily lead to instability, which itself invites chaos.


Thanaloc has many different prayers, mostly depending on the level of service you give to the church. Many commonfolk simply offer daily prayers and visit the church for sermons on certain weekdays, but guards and other lawman often perform small rituals during shift changes for good luck. The more devout worshipers of the Stalwart Will will spend the hours planning out their day, and will make notes through the day on how things disrupt their plans so that they can become more efficient in implementing Thanalocs' plan in the future.


Priests of the Iron Order gain their status through rigorous background checks, tests, and through proving themselves in the court of law; although some battle-priests dedicate all of their time to destroying the monsters of chaos, and thus prove their worth on the battlefield. But a majority of priests act as lawyers, guard-captains, and laymen for large settlements, helping preserve the order of the world. A priests main duty is to ensure that law and order is maintained and is conducted in the correct manner. Most priests are unconcerned with the ideals of good and evil; as long as the law is maintained, meaning they will punish those who break the law for humanitarian reasons and those who exploit the law for their own gain with equal measure.

Granted Divine Powers

Minor divine blessings of the church include increase abilities to grapple and restrain others, as well as strengthening magic that slows or impedes movement. More devout followers can call upon the power of law to infuse their weapons with axiomatic powers, innate gain resistance to chaotic magic, summon inevitables or gain the ability to repair their own body like an inevitable, or even the ability to temporarily inscribe a new law of physics in a certain area.   One who has the favor of Thanaloc often finds their plans coming to fruition easier, a lessening of pain in the hands, and having the attitudes of figures of authority around them soften. Those who earn Thanaloc's ire often find them struggling to remember what they were last working on, having pain in their finger joints, and easily arousing suspicion from local guards.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Due to their knowledge of law and their help of civil projects, the Church of the Iron Order have a great amount of political power. They often act as a representative and trainers of local guard forces, and will often invest funds into civil services. Thus nearly all larger cities seek the guidance and aid of the church in exchange for payments and helping promote the word of law.


The church is divided into two major sects, the Iron Fists and the Readers of Law. The Iron Fists are the primary warriors of the church, often training as city guards for many years before being allowed to travel and hunt the chaotic enemies of the church. The Readers of Law is the larger set, which is made up of mostly priests who work to become lawyers and civil servants, acting to spread the word of law throughout the realms.

"All Things In Their Right Place"

Religious, Organised Religion


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