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Ursan-born Casoh and Aasimar of Armarium, typically of Azata descent. Like all of the Cosmic Races, their apperance and abilities can vary wildly, but most Glespac have feathers instead of fur, and have a supernaturally intimidating presence.


Major language groups and dialects

Like most members of Armarium, many Glespac pick up the basics of Celestial.

Average technological level

Due to most making their home in the forests of the Elysium Wilds, as well as their veneration of their wild godess, the Glespac care little for crafting technological advancements.

Common Dress code

Due to their heavy feathers and relativly warm climate, few Glespac feel the need to wear much for clothing, often only wearing holy symbols or donning armor when they feel the need to protect themselves.

Art & Architecture

Glespac usually make simple cave dwellings deep within the forests of the Eleysium Wilds, and rarely have much in the way of advanced furnishings.

Foods & Cuisine

Glespac love to dig up and chew on specific tree roots of the Eleysium Wilds (although they always ensure that they do this in a way that doesn't destroy the tree and the ecosystem). Such roots are said to be incredibly bitter

Coming of Age Rites

Glespacs will often congregate for large festivles, at which young Glespacs will partake in roaring competions against each other, attempting to intimidate their rivals. Once one has passed a trial against a rival, they are judged by an adult, who will then proclaim wether or not the young can now be considered an adult themselves.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Glespacs prefer a simple burial out in the wilds, preferably in an open field that is near a forest, so that their spirit can return to their original mother, An, while their body can be reclaimed by the roots of Vohmana and the Wilds.

Common Taboos

Glespacs hate being restrained, as well as being commanded by others about how they should operate, unless they have willingly placed themselves in the service of anothers guidence. Thus, attempting to force a Glespac to do anything may lead to the offender being mauled.

Common Myths and Legends

While most Glespac primiarily venerate Vohmana, they have not forgotten thier origins, and often pay great respect to An, the original Ursan.


Beauty Ideals

Glespacs love the concept of ferocity; the more terrifying one might appear, the more appealing they become, and thus large forms, scars of feirce battles, and powerful magic are all highly sought after. A Glespac saying is "If the sight of them doesn't tremble your boots, they aren't worthy to share them."

Gender Ideals

Like regular Ursan, females take charge of rearing the cubs, and most males rarely staying with their family long after mating or hibernation.

Courtship Ideals

Chases are a common way of showning affection in Glespac soceity, as well as loud roaring and wrestling. From an outsiders perspective, the sounds of howling and crashing in the forest might be an indication of a incoming monster, while in actuallity it might just be two Glespac having a freindly time together.

Relationship Ideals

Glespacs are not very well understood outside of their socieity (with many often making the mistake that they were somehow related to the owlbear, perhapes created in some mad experiment). Thus, they are solitary beings, often only making friends with other Glespacs or their local druid circle.

Major organizations

Most Glespac's associate with the Wild Callers, the druidic circle that venerates Vohamana, the Freedom Paragon. They usually act as guardians of sacred places or bodyguards to spiritual leaders.
Encompassed species
Languages spoken
Related Locations
Instead of rolling for their Otherwordly Trait and Physical Feature, a Glespac can choose the following traits:   Fearsome Presence: A Glespac gains a +4 sacred bonus on Intimidate checks to demoralize a foe.   Feathered Fur: Instead of a layer of fur, Glespac's have feathers.


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