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Aasimar (As-e-mar)

Creatures born of a union between good-aligned Celestial and mortal beings, aasimar often act as emissaries between Armarium and the other realms, and most races believe that birthing an aasimar is a sign of a divine blessing.

Basic Information


Every aasimar is unique in its physicality. An aasimar takes on a majority of the traits of its mortal parent, generally gaining one or two otherworldly aspects. Sometimes, a aasimars heavenly power is purely mental, and it might appear as a normal member of its mortal parent species until its power is utilized.

Genetics and Reproduction

Any humanoid creature may give birth to an aasimar, but it is much more common for them to spring from humans.

Growth Rate & Stages

Aasimar are slow growers, often reaching adulthood five years after the normal age for their mortal race.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Aasimar share the dietary needs of their mortal parent, but are more slightly more likely to become vegetarian due to a higher sense of empathy. Some aasimar might be born with other dietary needs or may not even need to eat at all.

Biological Cycle

Most aasimar share any biological needs with their mortal parent race, but are often less affected by things such as temperature or seasonal change.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

An aasimars facial characteristics vary depending on the mixing of their mortal and outsider parents. Sometimes they appear as a normal member of a mortal race, but sometimes having more otherworldly and alien features.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

A majority of aasimar are born in Armarium, where positive energy overflows and the celestial forces with good intermingle with mortals much more frequently.

Average Intelligence

All aasimar have a higher sense of empathy and morals, but can vary wildly in their mental prowess.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

All aasimar have darkvision, regardless of the race they are born into.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Aasimar usually share the naming traditions of their mothers species.

Major Organizations

Most aasimar serve on of the Celestial Paragons in Armarium, working underneath their divine servitors.

Beauty Ideals

Many aasimar often appear as beautified versions of their mortal race, causing them to often be courted in societies that place value in physical beauty. This can often lead to an aasimar gaining a slightly inflated sense of ego, and sometimes this inner beauty backfires on them. When born into more violent societies where scars are valued and beauty and tenderness are viewed as weaknesses, aasimar suffer at the hands of their peers, and will often turn to self harm to try to appear more appeaing.

Gender Ideals

Aasimar often share the same gender roles of their mortal parent, but their unique heritage and the awe surrounding them means they have an easier time breaking out of such roles.

Courtship Ideals

Most aasimar share the courtship ideals of their mortal parent, but even when born into more savage races have an innate tendency to pursue fancies through kindness and acts of affection

Relationship Ideals

Many species venerate the aasimar, viewing them as emissaries of divine beings, and thus they often receive spell treatment. This pressure often makes it difficult for an aasimar to make friends, as they are placed on a pedestal above others; many are afraid that they are not worthy of them, or the aasimar themselves begin to feel that they are above their mortal kin.

Average Technological Level

Aasimar share the technological levels of their parent race, and often lean more towards religion then technology.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

All aasimar have an innate understanding of Celestial, regardless of their formal education. The usually can speak the normal languages of their mortal parents, but some aasimar can even speak more exotic languages or even speak telepathically.

Common Etiquette Rules

If an aasimar has a more prominent and outstanding physical feature, it is often considered to comment on it.

Common Dress Code

While they often share the same dress code as their mortal parent, many aasimar find themselves drawn to large robes or innate gowns, often feeling much more comfortable in such garb.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Aasimar often follow the same traditions of their mortal parent, and often will rise to important positions in such rituals.

Common Taboos

For most aasimar, performing any sort of evil or selfish acts are almost impossible, however some aasimar are capable of turning away from goodness. Such aasimar become truly dangerous, as they use reputation to avoid suspicion and partake in truely deplorable acts of depravity.

Common Myths and Legends

A majority of aasimar worship one of the Celestial Paragons of Armarium, often following one who has purview over their outsider parent, but can also be found worshiping deities based off of their mortal parent and place of birth.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Aasimar are mostly treated with reverence by other races, although some are jealous of the aasimars status. Like their infernal and celestial parents, Tieflings and aasimar hold nothing but contempt for each other. Aasimar view them as inherently unclean, worthy of nothing but pity at best.

Racial Table - Aasimar: Hit Dice: D10; Class Skills: Diplomacy, Heal, Knowledge (Planes), Knowledge (Religion), Sense Motive; Skill Ranks Per Level: 6 + Intelligence modifier; Weapon Proficiency: Martial; Armor Proficiency: Medium
Level BAB Fort Reflex Will Abilities
1st +1 +2 +0 +2 Celestial Resistances, Otherworldly Trait
2nd +2 +3 +0 +3 Mortal Trait
3rd +3 +3 +1 +3 Otherworldly Trait
4th +4 +4 +1 +4 Mortal Trail, +1 Wisdom, +1 Charisma
5th +5 +4 +1 +4 Otherworldly Trait, Increased Resistances

Random Starting Ages
Adulthood Intuitive1 Self-Taught2 Trained3
As mortal parent +5 years Same as mortal parent Same as mortal parent Same as mortal parent
1This category includes armigers, barbarians, bloodragers, imbuers, kineticists, leaches, oracles, psychics, ravelers, realmstriders, rogues, sorcerers, and spiritualists.     2This category includes antipaladins, arcanist, armorsmiths, bards, brawler, cavaliers, fighters, gamblers, gunslingers, hunters, mediums, mesmerist, paladins, pantheists, rangers, samurai, shamans, skalds, slayers, spellthiefs, summoners, swashbucklers, tricksters, vigilantes, wardens, weaponsmiths, and witches.   3This category includes alchemists, clerics, druids, explorers, inquisitors, investigators, jewelers, magi, monks, mortalists, ninjas, occultists, painters, travelers, tinkerers, warpriests, wizards and zealots.  
Random Height and Age
Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
Male Same as mortal parent4 Same as mortal parent4 Same as mortal parent4 Same as mortal parent4
Female Same as mortal parent4 Same as mortal parent4 Same as mortal parent4 Same as mortal parent4
4Some Otherworldly traits might cause the aasimar's height and weight to vary greatly from the norms of their mortal heritage  
Aasimar Aging Table
Middle Age (-1 to Str, Dex, and Con, +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha) Old (-2 to Str, Dex, and Con, +2 to Int, Wis, and Cha) Venerable (-3 to Str, Dex, and Con, +3 to Int, Wis, and Cha) Maximum Age (GM secretly decides maximum age)
As mortal parent x1.5 As mortal parent x2 As mortal parent x3 As mortal parent, but with 6 dice instead of the normal amount.

Random Aasimar Homelands
% Rolled Homeland Trait Gained
01-50 Mortal Homeland (Roll on table for Mortal Parent Race)
51-90 Celestial Stronghold Scholar of the Great Beyond
91-00 Unusual Homeland (Roll on Unusual Homeland Table)

Random Aasimar Families
% Rolled Parental Status
01-50 Both of your parents are alive
51-70 Only Father is alive
52-90 Only Mother is alive
91-00 Both of your parents are dead
Random Aasimar Siblings (Roll separately on mortal parent race for mortal half-siblings)
% Rolled # of Siblings
01-50 No siblings
51-00 1d2 siblings
Aasimars live much longer than their mortal parent; often living up to six times the normal races lifespan.
Average Height
Aasimars usually share the same height ratios as their mortal parent, but are sometime born either unusually large or unusually small.
Average Weight
Aasimars usually share the same weight ratios as their mortal parent, but are sometimes born unusually limber or heavy set.
Average Physique
All aasimar struggle with adapting to their bodies, even those with purely mental power, as the divine connection slightly interferes with their motor skills, but have a wide range of body types and physiques.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
An aasimars coloration varies depending on the mixing of their mortal and outsider parents. Sometimes their skin color matches either one of their parents, but one of the most common manifestations of the cosmic races is a unique skin coloration.
Geographic Distribution


Type Outsider (Native)
Ability Score Modifier +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma, -2 Dexterity. Aasimar are wise and beautiful, but their otherworldly traits can make it difficult to move.
Size medium
Speed Aasimars have a base speed of 30 feet.
Language An aasimar begins play speaking Celestial and the racial language of their base race. An aasimar with a high intelligence score can pick from any of the bonus languages from their mortal parent race.

  • Materil: Aasimars are intrinsically tied to the Love Materil, and thus must be Loveteachers.
  • Darkvision: Aasimar can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.
  • Celestial Lineage: Each aasimar is descended from a celestial creature and gains abilities based on their lineage. Select one lineage at character creation based on the following table
Lineage Typical Alignment Skill Training (+2) Spell-Like Ability
Agathion NG Handle Animal, Survival summon nature's ally II
Angle CG, LG, NG Heal, Knowledge (Planes) alter self
Archon LG Intimidate, Sense Motive continual flame
Azata CG Diplomacy, Perform glitterdust
Garuda CG Fly, Perception protection from arrows
Manasaputra LG Acrobatics, Knowledge (History) jester's jaunt
  • Celestial Resistances: An aasimar gains acid resistance 5, cold resistance 5, and electricity resistance 5. At 5th racial level, these resistance increase to 10.
  • Mortal Trait: At 2nd and 4th racial level, an aasimar gains abilities based on its mortal parent race. Pick any ability from their mortal parents racial level table of a level equal to or lower than the aasimars racial level and gain that ability.
  • Otherworldly Traits: Each aasimar have extra abilities and traits unique to them. At character creation, roll on the Aasimar otherworldly abilities and features tables, gaining the abilities and cosmetic features listed. These traits are intrinsic to each specific aasimar and cannot be changed. At 3rd and 5th racial level, an aasimar gains additional otherworldly traits.

Alternate Racial Traits
  • Celestial Crusader: Soma aasimar are innately skilled at detecting and hunting evil beings. They gain a +1 insight bonus on attack rolls and to AC against evil outsiders and a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (Planes) and and Spellcraft checks to identify evil outsiders or items created by evil outsiders, and may use those checks untrained for those purposes. These bonuses increase by 1 for every five hit dice beyond the 1st the aasimar possesses. This trait replaces the Celestial Resistances trait.
  • Exalted Resistance (Ex): Some aasimar are particularly good at resisting the effects of evil. They gain spell resistance equal to 5 + their character level against spells and spell-like abilities with the evil descriptor, as well as spells or spell-like abilities from evil outsiders. This trait replaces the Celestial Resistance trait.
  • Halo (Sp): Some aasimar gain the ability to manifest a sacred halo that sheds light as a torch. An aasimar with this trait can do this as an at will spell like ability. When using their halo, they gain a +2 circumstance bonus on Intimidate checks against evil creatures and on saving throws against becoming blinded or dazzled. These bonuses increase by 1 for every five hit dice beyond the 1st the aasimar possesses. This trait replaced the Darkvision trait.
  • Mortal Heritage: Some aasimar are more connected to their mortal lineage. These aasimar gain the starting ability score modifiers of their mortal parent race. This trait replaces the spell-like ability gained from the Celestial Lineage trait and alters the aasimars starting ability scores.

% Otherworldly Trait
01 1/day, you can channel 1d6 points of positive energy. (Su)
02 You can use Stabilize 3/day. (Sp)
03 As a move action, you can cause a manifest or dismiss a halo around your head that sheds colored light like a torch. (Sp)
04 Once per day, you can drink a flask of holy water to heal 1d6 points of damage. (Su)
05 You gain a +1 racial bonus on attack and damage rolls against evil outsiders. (Ex)
06 You possess taloned fingers that act as natural weapons and deal 1d4 points of damage. (Ex)
07 Once per day as a full-round action, you can summon a silver holy symbol out of thin air. The holy symbol lasts for 1 hour or until dropped. (Su)
08 You gain a +4 racial bonus on Knowledge (Religion) checks pertaining to a deity of your choice.
09 You gain an Oracle Curse. If you would gain spells from the curse, you can use those spells as a spell-like ability 1/day each. (Sp)
10 You gain an additional +2 bonus to your Strength score.
11 You can breathe both thin and stale air without any ill effects, and never suffer from altitude sickness. (Ex)
12 You gain a +2 racial bonus to Acrobatics checks.
13 You can cast Whispering Wind 1/day. (Sp)
14 You possess the unnatural aura monster ability, except that the DC to make animals come near you is equal to 10 + ½ your character level + your Charisma modifier. (Ex)
15 1/day, you can move as if your base land speed was 50 feet. (Ex)
16 You are unnaturally large, becoming one size category larger than your mortal race.
17 You can cast Spear of Purity once per day. (Sp)
18 Once you’ve reached adulthood, you never seem to age, although you still take aging penalties as normal and die when your time is up. (Ex)
19 You gain a +2 racial bonus to saves against spells and effects that would cause you to become dazzled.
20 You gain an additional +2 bonus to your Dexterity score.
21 You can manipulate any metal armor you wear, making it appear silver or golden. This illusion only lasts as long as you are wearing the armor. (Su)
22 You always know the current position of the sun. (Su)
23 You can cast Create Water 3/day. (Sp)
24 You can sense if a creature is pregnant by standing 10 feet from that creature. (Ex)
25 You gain a +2 racial bonus to Diplomacy checks.
26 You gain a +2 dodge bonus to your AC against attacks of opportunity made by creatures of the human subtype.
27 You gain a +2 racial bonus to any one type of Craft check.
28 Once per day, for 1 minute, you can understand any creature as though using Tongues. (Su)
29 You gain a +2 racial bonus to initiative checks during the day. (Ex)
30 You gain a +2 racial bonus to your Constitution score.
31 You gain a +2 racial bonus on saves against charm effects.
32 You can cast Shield Other 1/day. (Sp)
33 When coins or other small metal objects pass through your hands, they become clean and shiny. (Su)
34 You gain a +2 dodge bonus to your AC against attacks of opportunity from evil outsiders or undead.
35 You have fire resistance 5.
36 Non-magical insects never attack you unless magically compelled to do so. (Su)
37 You gain a +2 racial bonus on any one Perform skill.
38 Once per day, you can generate a glowing aura that emanates in a 20-foot aura around you. Any creature within your aura at negative hit points instantly stabilizes. This aura lasts 1 round. (Su)
39 You can mimic the sound of any animal perfectly. (Ex)
40 You gain an additional +2 racial bonus to your Intelligence score.
41 3/day, you can sing for 10 minutes to put any willing creature to sleep. A creature that falls asleep due to your song is protected from Nightmare and similar spells for the duration of its rest. (Sp)
42 Whenever you successfully use the aid another action to help someone make a skill check, you grant a +3 bonus instead of a +2. (Ex)
43 You are unusually short, gaining the traits of a creature one size category smaller than your mortal race.
44 If you stand atop a grave and meditate for 10 minutes, you learn the name of whoever is buried beneath. (Su)
45 You gain a +1 natural armor bonus to you AC.
46 You gain spell resistance equal to 10 + ½ your hit dice. (Ex)
47 You feel sick to your stomach and take a -1 penalty on ability checks within 30 feet of an evil outsider. (Su)
48 Once per day, you can cast Weapon of Awe. (Sp)
49 You can cast Aid 1/day. (Sp)
50 You gain a +2 racial bonus to your Wisdom score.
51 You gain a +2 racial bonus on hearing based Perception checks.
52 You gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison.
53 You can understand any written material as though under the effects of Comprehend Languages. (Su)
54 Once per day, when you are at 0 hit points, you can take a full round of actions without losing a hit point and falling unconscious. (Ex)
55 You gain a +2 racial bonus on saves against disease.
56 You can cast Zone of Truth 1/day. (Sp)
57 You gain a +2 racial bonus on Heal checks.
58 You heal yourself double the normal amount when resting. (Ex)
59 Any good creature you call via summon monster or similar spells remains for an additional 3 rounds.
60 You gain a +2 racial bonus to your Charisma score.
61 You use your Charisma score rather than your Constitution score to determine how long you can hold your breath.
62 You gain a +4 racial bonus on saving throws to remove a temporary negative level.
63 You gain a +2 racial bonus to your CMD against bull rush and trip attempts
64 You gain a +4 racial bonus to Intimidate checks to demoralize foes.
65 You gain DR 2/evil.
66 Any damage you deal with a melee weapon is treated as good for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. (Su)
67 You gain a +2 racial bonus to Sense Motive checks.
68 You gain a +2 racial bonus on confirming critical hits against evil outsiders.
69 You can cast Remove Disease 1/day. (Sp)
70 Pick one weapon that normally deals lethal damage. You can deal nonlethal damage with that weapon without taking the -4 penalty on your attack rolls. (Ex)
71 Standing in direct sunlight for half an hour nourishes you as if you had eaten a hearty meal. You still need to drink water. (Su)
72 Once per day, you can breathe frosty air in a 10-foot cone. This acts as a breath weapon that deals 1d4 + ½ your hit dice in cold damage. (Ex)
73 If your body is placed on consecrated ground and prayers to your deity recited for 24 hours, you return to life as the Raise Dead spell. This ability functions 1d4 times in your lifetime. (Sp)
74 Once per day, you can kiss a creature to change its condition from exhausted to fatigued or from fatigued to normal. (Su)
75 You gain sonic resistance 5.
76 You gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against curses.
77 You gain a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (Planes) checks.
78 You gain a +4 racial bonus to avoid environmental effects of the cold.
79 1/day you can cast Compassionate Ally. (Sp)
80 You gain a +1 racial bonus on Reflex saves.
81 Any creature that bites you must make a DC Fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ your hit dice) or be sickened for 1d4 rounds. (Ex)
82 You can cast Mending 3/per day. (Sp)
83 You feel energized and gain a +1 racial bonus on ability checks when a good outsider is within 30 feet. (Su)
84 You gain a +4 racial bonus to resist hot environmental effects.
85 You receive a +1 racial bonus on Fortitude saving throws.
86 You can cast Blessing of Courage and Life 1/day. (Sp)
87 You gain a +2 racial bonus on Handle Animal and Ride checks
88 1/day as a move action, you can grant your melee weapon you are holding the Holy enchantment. The enchantment lasts 3 rounds or until you drop the weapon. (Su)
89 You can cast Augury 1/day. (Sp)
90 You gain a +1 racial bonus on Will saving throws
91 If you die, your body can never be reanimated as an undead. (Ex)
92 When targeted by a spell that cures temporary ability damage, you heal an extra one point of ability damage. (Ex)
93 You can summon a lantern archon 1/day as if using Summon Monster. (Sp)
94 You can speak to horses and other equine animals.
95 You receive a +2 racial bonus to your CMD.
96 You have a natural fly speed of 20 feet (poor maneuverability)
97 Once per day, as a standard action, you can suppress your aasimar qualities for a number of minutes equal to your Constitution modifier. (Ex)
98 You receive a bonus hit point per level.
99 1/week, you can contact a holy ancestor, as the spell Commune. (Sp)
00 Roll twice on this table ignoring any further rolls of 00.
% Physical Feature
01 Arms: Appear sculpted from marble.
02 Arms: Extra long.
03 Arms: Feathered forearms.
04 Arms: Scaled forearms.
05 Arms: Seemingly boneless.
06 Build: Beautifully proportioned.
07 Build: Graceful
08 Build: Unusually light.
09 Build: Always slender.
10 Build: Well-muscled.
11 Digits: Extra long.
12 Digits: Metallic nails.
13 Digits: Odd number.
14 Digits: Shining talons.
15 Digits: Unusually colored nails.
16 Ears: Catlike.
17 Ears: Feathered.
18 Ears: Long-lobed.
19 Ears: Pivoted.
20 Ears: Pointed.
21 Eyes: Catlike.
22 Eyes: Glowing.
23 Eyes: Iridescent.
24 Eyes: Jewel-like.
25 Eyes: Multicolor.
26 Face: Baby-faced.
27 Face: Metallic lips.
28 Face: Perfectly symmetrical.
29 Face: Unearthly beauty.
30 Face: White scar.
31 Hair: Animated.
32 Hair: Feathers.
33 Hair: Heatless flames.
34 Hair: Metallic.
35 Hair: Turns silver in moonlight.
36 Hands: Always cool and dry.
37 Hands: Blackened knuckles.
38 Hands: Glowing palms.
39 Hands: Leave contrails
40 Hands: Fingerprints look like holy symbols.
41 Head: Animal features.
42 Head: Bald.
43 Head: Draconic features.
44 Head: Halo.
45 Head: Unusually shaped.
46 Legs: Clawed feet.
47 Legs: Extra long.
48 Legs: Feathered skin.
49 Legs: metallic scaled shins.
50 Legs: Unnaturally small feet.
51 Shadow: Animated.
52 Shadow: Bright.
53 Shadow: Metallic.
54 Shadow: Prismatic.
55 Shadow: Winged.
56 Skin: Ashen
57 Skin: Feathered
58 Skin: Furred
59 Skin: Glittering.
60 Skin: Glowing
61 Skin: Iridescent.
62 Skin: Metallic scales.
63 Skin: Metallic sheen.
64 Skin: Prismatic scales.
65 Skin: Unusual hue.
66 Voice: Echoes dramatically.
67 Voice: Musical
68 Voice: Unusually high.
69 Voice: Unusually low.
70 Voice: Words you speak aloud seem to be heard mentally.
71 Wings: Butterfly
72 Wings: Feathered
73 Wings: Light.
74 Wings: Metallic dragon.
75 Wings: Prismatic.
76 Other: Always look clean.
77 Other: Always well lit.
78 Other: Androgonous.
79 Other: Breathing sounds like ocean
80 Other: Clothing billows without wind.
81 Other: Covered in freckles.
82 Other: Doesn't sweat.
83 Other: Floral breath.
84 Other: Fox tail.
85 Other: Melodic laugh.
86 Other: Multicolored tears.
87 Other: Nearby bells ring when you pass by.
88 Other: No body hair.
89 Other: Pearlescent teeth.
90 Other: Random choral sounds surround you.
91 Other: Sacred birthmark
92 Other: Stigmata.
93 Other: Sweet scent.
94 Other: Sweet taste.
95 Other: Trance-like sleep.
96 Other: Unicorn horn.
97 Other: Unusual footprints.
98 Other: Unusual temperature.
99 Roll Twice, ignore any result of 99 or higher.
00 Roll Three Times, ignore any result of 99 or higher.


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