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Grucat (G-roo-cat)

Nekoan-born Aasimar, typically of Angelic descent. Like all of the Cosmic Races, their apperance and abilities can vary wildly, they often appear immaculity groomed (of which they love to point out, to the point of insufferability) and have strange, high-piched voices. They are also cabable of short bursts of speed, running incredibally fast (usually away from someone who they have annoyed to the point of rage).
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Instead of rolling for their Otherwordly Trait and Physical Feature, a Grucat can pick the following traits:   Burst of Speed: 1/day, as a free action, a Grucat can increase their overland movement speed to 50 feet. (If their speed was already 50 feet or faster, they instead gain a +30 sacred bonus their speed for that turn)   Always Clean: A Grucat always seems to be clean, although this effect is illusory and offers no protection against magical attacks, such as diseases or liquid attacks.   High Pitched: A Grucat's voice is high pitched.


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