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The ancestral home of the Tengu, Gurlen manages a realm-spanning messenger service.

Public Agenda

Publicly, Gurlen touts that its goals are simply to run an effective mail system and increase the education of the realm, but any in the hire ups of society know the truth; Gurlen seeks to control the flow of events of the realm through blackmail and espionage.


Gurlens greatest asset it's their control over the mail and couriers of the realm, enabling them to cut off easy international communication should another nation upset them. They have a large supply of tengu tutors, both in academia and in sword mastery, and thus wealthy nobles often hire their children a personal trainer from Gurlen.


It is believed that after Hunginn's elevation to godhood, he created the tengu to be his eyes and ears in the world, and quickly sent them out to the other forming nations. However, they were quickly discovered as spies, and one after the other, were kicked out of country after country. These wayward tengu decided to form their own nation, so that they could practice and perfect what they were made for and founded the nation of Gurlen.

Demography and Population

Gurlen as a population of around 102,000 people, most of which are Tengu, but also with some Humans, Dwarves, Alka, and even Ratosk.


Gurlen lies in the central-northern part of Central Matera, between the dwarven nation of Ironclade and the Alka nation of Huntslan.


The Gurlen military is a small, but elite force of trained swordsman and samurai, as Gurlen prefers to solve conflicts with diplomacy rather than violence. They are also known to frequently hire Alkan mercenaries from Huntslan.

Technological Level

Gurlen is often on the forefront of technological advancement, but often don't reveal their achievements to the general public for long periods of time. Other nations have long-speculated Gurlen for making illigeal treaties with the tech-city of Nenu-lan, in order to get an even greater advancement ahead of its neighboors.


Most of Gurlen worship a member of the Tengu Pantheon, with Hunginn being the member primarily venerated.

Foreign Relations

Gurlen has mostly positive relations with all the other realms, as they operate the international mail system. Many nations hire the tengu as ambassadors, intermediaries, and, most importantly, spies.


Tengu laws are complicated and convoluted, allowing for many loopholes that help potential spies and whistleblowers to escape persecution. Family secrets are especially important; it is not uncommon for a tengu who reveals their family secrets, even as a matter of personal security, to later suffer a mysterious and fatal accident.

Agriculture & Industry

Gurlen gets most of its agriculture through importating, or through utilizing Alkan labors from Huntslan. They have one major farming city, ~, which primarily focuses on cultivating the many insects that go into the Tengus exotic meals.


Lower education is mandatory for all Tengu members of Gurlen, through very well-funded public schools. Higher education is more expensive, but many strive to achieve it, and scholarships for promising students help reduce the cost. Many who attend these late schools gain jobs in governmental positions, and often attempt to run for leadership positions or even the Electorate.


Gurlen has a series of roads, although their reliance on air transport through their various avian messengers means many of these roads are often poorly maintained. Many running for election often run on the premise of fixing these roads, but often only due the bare minimum of work once actually in office.   The northern and southern half of the nation is separated by a large swampland known as the Minwurn Swamplands. An extensive boating network as been developed to allow for transporation through the region.   Despite a high reliance on laborers from Huntslan, no official roads have been crafted to the border of Huntslan, thus many Alkan migrant workers are forced to walk long, unpathed distances to find employment.

Information is Power


  • Gurlen + Huntslan
    Gurlen the homeland of the Tengu, and Huntslan, the homeland of the Alka.
Founding Date
1600 AC
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
Tengu Lands
Leader Title
Government System
Like the rest of Central Matera, Gurlen utilizes Crowns as its primary currency.
Major Exports
Gurlen primarily exports their courier birds, trained teachers, and raw information.
Major Imports
Gurlen is a major importer from the rest of the nations of the realm, importing metal from Ironclade, medicine from Kyoshi, labor from Huntslan, wood from Tar-Dorol, and food from Welthrone. Rumors also abound of secret deals for technology from Nenu-lan, and even potential trades with other realms, but Gurlen officials deny these allegations.
Legislative Body
Tengu rules are written by influncial political leaders, with the Electorate deciding the overall course of the law for their term. Laws constantly shift and change, as new leaders are voted in and the tide of public opinion ebb and flow.
Executive Body
Tengu laws are carried out by the select groups of trained swordsman, known as Enforcers. These Enforcers take their jobs incredibly seriously, and are considered one of the few tengu that cannot be bribed.
Neighboring Nations
Related Species


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