Central Matera Geographic Location in Matera | World Anvil
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Central Matera

The centermost realm, Centeral Matera lies at the base of the World Tree and at the center of the world.


  • Tar-Dorol
    The ancestral home forest of the elves.
  • Central Matera
    The Material Realm, and the soil of Yigg, the World Tree. Central Matera is center of the world and the most diverse of the realms.
  • Gurlen + Huntslan
    Gurlen the homeland of the Tengu, and Huntslan, the homeland of the Alka.
  • Welthrone Map
    The map of Welthrone, the largest and southernmost nation of Central Matera
  • Ironclade
    The homeland of the dwarves and a large provider of raw metals and ores to the rest of the realm.
  • Kyoshi Tribelands
    The original homeland of the Neko race.
Alternative Name(s)
The Material Realm, The Base of the World
Planar Sphere/Grouping
Included Locations
Related Ethnicities

  • 925

    The Ebon Range begins to form
    Geological / environmental event

    The movement of the Wyrms causes massive geological activity, which begins the formation of the Ebon Range.

    The Ebon Range
    Additional timelines
  • 1094

    Tar-Dorol begins to grow
    Geological / environmental event

    Era sings the great forest of Tar-Dorol into being, and with it the first of the elves rise.

  • 1120

    The Lavaforge is formed
    Geological / environmental event

    The clashing forces of tectonic plates and the meddling of the gods create push the edges of Ardlam and Ixuil together, creating a massive area of volcanic activity known as the Lavaforge, where the gods create Diamond, the First Gemillion.

    The Lavaforge
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  • 1197

    Ironeclade is formed

    The first dwarves created by Sartos create a nation to act as their homeland.

  • 1265

    The Kyoshi Tribelands are settled

    The first Neko, born of Goddess Neko, settle into the land that would eventually be known as the Kyoshi Tribelands

  • 1600

    Gurlen is Founded

    The first tengu, expelled from other nations for suspected espionage, build their own nation of Gurlen.

  • 2393

    The Scattered One breaks
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    It is believed that around this time, the wizard who would become the Scattered God attempts to peer into the veils of reality and is scattered across time and space.

  • 2530

    The Llanara are banished
    Population Migration / Travel

    For a forgotten crime, the Llanara are banished from Usoram and are forced into Central Matera.

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  • 2600

    Mol-Mirek is created
    Life, Supernatural

    The Llanara arrive at an ancient keep on the border of the realms, owned by a wizard who promised them sanctuary. The wizard turns them away, and that night a dreadful storm descends on the keep, destroying it and creating the ruins of Mol-Mirek.

  • 2660

    The Orken Holds are established
    Military action

    The first orc Rumbling occurs, and the orcs take over the border between Central Matera and Ardlam, forming the Orken Holds.

    The Orken Holds
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  • 2665

    The Ratosk settle the Tosan Range
    Population Migration / Travel

    The first Ratosks are born from Rataoskr and take over the borders between Kirru and Matera Central, claiming it as the Tosan Range.

    Tosan Range
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    Additional timelines
  • 2888

    Adinos is born
    Life, Birth

    Adinos is born in Central Matera.

  • 2900

    Welthrone is founded

    Ancient human tribes finally unite under Wellington the 1st, forming the Welthrone Empire.

  • 2907

    The Birthing Pools are created
    Geological / environmental event

    The death of Albanor, the first ooze, creates a massive area of primordial acid on the borders of Ardlam, Vatenrelm, Central Matera, and Skovasil. From this area, the Alba emerge.

    More reading
  • 2918

    4 Arda

    The Breaking of the Shackles
    Population Migration / Travel

    Adinos leads his followers out of Central Matera and into Ixuil, where he forms the Tribe of the Eternal Way and creates the Tamun

    Additional timelines
  • 3001

    The Author creates The Rier
    Geological / environmental event

    The Author create The Rier, a new god of barriers, and imbues it into the borders of the realms, sealing them off from each other and separating the gods.

  • 3075

    Scatterscript is discovered
    Discovery, Scientific

    The first etchings of Scatterscript are discovered in an ancient ruin in Welthrone, and the Scattered Tower is built around it.

  • 3354

    Huntslan is formed

    The ancient roaming alka are pushed into the northwest of Central Matera and form various tribes, forming the nation of Huntslan.

  • 3400

    15 Usa

    Enriec completes his trial
    Life, Milestone

    Enreic completes the trial set by the Alpha, and his revelation promotes him to godhood.

    Additional timelines
  • 3600


    Welthrone Expansion
    Military action

    Empowered by Tathallion's ascension, Welthrone begins expanding, moving from a small human nation to dominating half of the Realm.

  • 3600

    5 Ixa

    Tathallion Ascends
    Military action

    Tathalion defeats the avatar of Ghrek in battle, ascending to godhood.

    Additional timelines
  • 3620

    13 Arda

    A strange book appears in the Temple of the Divines
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    A strange book is teleported into the Temple of the Divines, recounting a groups journey into Ygg, the World Tree

  • 3634

    14 Arda

    Welthrone abolishes slavery
    Civil action

    In celebration of Tathallions ascention, Welthrone abolishes its slave laws (with some rare exceptions), although indentured servitude remains commonplace.

  • 3750

    Anga Nenu crashes

    A spaceship crashes into an elven city from the stars. The city is eventually rebuilt around the spaceship and renamed Nenu-Lan

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  • 3996


    Victory of the Sunlit Sword

    The Band of the Sunlit Sword defeats the Darkmoon Alliance and prevents war from breaking out between the realms and enters into legend, but disbands afterwards.

  • 4000

    15 Vata

    40 Matra

    The Bloodfire Rumbling
    Military: War

    United by twin Orc brothers and prodded by the Darkmoon Alliance, both the surface tribes and the Underrealm tribes of orcs unite to create the biggest Rumbeling ever. Simultaneously invading the surface and the Underrealm, they wreck havoc on Welthrone and the Duergar Kingdoms, before their leaders are assassinated by the Band of the Sunlit Sword and The D.E.C.K respectivly.

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  • 4000

    40 Matra

    The Sundering
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Rostrom absorbs the power of an imprisoned Dark Tapestry god and shatters the Reir, ending the Age of Separation and ascending to godhood.

  • 4010

    The Raid of the Gate
    Criminal Activity

    After the Sundering, The surviving Lancrik Pirates utilize magic to sail up the Root of Souls, causing havoc in the domains of the gods and eventually reaching the Gate of Truth, where they steal immortality from Death, as well as revive their fallen comrades.

    Additional timelines
  • 4100

    12 Arda

    The Massacre of the Dawn
    Criminal Activity

    The population of the historic tavern, the Rising Dawn, are horrendously murdered, and a wandering group of adventurers is blamed for it.

  • 4100

    1 Ixa

    The Night of Mists
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Strange mists descend on Capital Welthrone, causing massive deaths to their noble population.

  • 4100

    2 Ixa

    Welthrone Castle is invaded
    Military action

    Daemonic forces invade the Welthrone Palace, seeking to claim an ancient artifact. They are stopped by a band of adventurers on the run, who are then giving a royal pardon.

  • 4100

    3 Ixa

    The Collective Forms
    Technological achievement

    The technological hive-mind known as the Collective One emerges from the city of Nenu-lan and ascends to demigod status.

    Additional timelines
  • 4102

    20 Matra

    Tarik re-establishes the Explorer's Guild

    A mysterious man known as Captian Tarik revitalizies the ancient Explorers Guild, with the intention to explore and establish relations with other Realms.


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