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Kithling (Kith-ling)

Halflings native to the gloom of Skovasil, kithlings are have large eyes that lack any defining pupils. To compensate for their poor eyesight and lack of vision in the perpetual dark of the Shadow Realm, kithlings develop strong psychic bonds with each other, allowing them to share senses and "see" through each others eyes. Extremely pale skinned, the kithlings have the strongest sense of community of all halflings, that unfortunately usually devolves into paronoia and xenophobia of any other new race or idea.


Major language groups and dialects

Few kithlings learn any other language other than Halfling, due to the overwhelming xenophobia most kithling experience. The few that do pick up additional languages often learn to speak Skov Common or Chirat instead of Goblin, due to the close proximity of the Chirat in the Vesp forest.

Average technological level

The kithliing delve mostly into anti-siege technology, working to craft better and stronger fortresses to defend from outside attacks, as wells as constantly making strives to improve their ability to self-sustain inside the castle should it become surrounded by enemies. They also heavily dabble in psychic magic, able to channel their inner fears into weapons to destroy their foes.

Common Etiquette rules

Each kithling household has their own strict rules, and a family member breaking a rule is likely to set the head of the household into a fit of mania and paranoia about why they would neglect such an important rule.

Common Dress code

The kithling usually wear simple leathers, often with a hood or other feature that is able to easily conceal their face should the need arise. The kithling that patrol the wet borders of the Othi Outlet often also wear waterproof gear as they often wade into the water to get the drop on anything trying to sneak in from the sea.

Art & Architecture

The kithing build large fortresses known as Clachans that house many different clans inside of them. These fortresses are nearly impenetrable, and are specifically designed to be difficult to traverse alone and without the aid of a psychic link to make it through. The kithling will occasionally hire out a group of adventurers to attempt to stage a raid or an infiltration of the clachan to help tests its defenses and see what can be improved

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Kithlings pour a strange liquid into the eyes of their newborns known as Joiner Fluid. This fluid connects the newborn to "The Weft", the psychic link the links all kithlings together. This process burns away the pupils of the kithling, giving them their signature stare.

Coming of Age Rites

When kithling children come of age, the must take an extended camping trip with their parents or guardian. During that trip, the parents always put their children in harms way, usually by pushing them into the Othi Outlet and forcing them to swim back to shore. They do this to teach the kithling to never trust anyone fully, even their closest ally may turn on them in the right circumstances, and the only one they can truly rely on is themselves. The child is then sworn into secrecy to never reveal the details of this rite to those who have yet to take it.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Kithlings cremate their dead and bury the ashes, as they are fearful of their relatives returning as vengeful spirits, either due to the necromancy of others or from their own wishes left unfulfilled.

Common Taboos

No kithling trusts any non-kithling immediately. If a member of another race is kind to a kithling, it is because they want someone, and no kithling would be foolish enough to help another without a compelling reason.

Common Myths and Legends

Nearly all kithlings worship Olka, the halfling goddess of community. Unlike most halflings, few kithlings venerate any other member of the halfling pantheon, viewing them all as foolish and naïve children compared to the wisdom of Olka's teachings.


Gender Ideals

Females in kithling societies are heavily protected and repressed, as elder kithling are afraid of them being abducted by sinister races. Regardless of gender, kithling are highly overprotecting of their children, often scaring them with vicious stories of what the other races would do them if they fall into their clutches.

Courtship Ideals

Kithling courtships are always arranged by the kithlings parents, with no room for leeway. Many children give up on idea of opposing their parents early in life, as repeated offenses can cause a kithling to be quickly banished.

Relationship Ideals

Kithlings are fearful of other races, thus they only place their faith in other kithlings. While they have implicit trust in each other, even the closets of kithlings friends and family are always on guard for betrayal.

Major organizations

Although part of the Free Lands, the kithling island of Praestrum has no alliance to the other races of Skovasil and foregoes all political contact with them, content to live away among themselves in their island fortresses. Thus, the only kithlings that join any major non-kithling orginazations are either once-captured slaves or banished outcasts.

Random Kithling Homlands
% Rolled Homeland Trait Gained
01-80 Secluded Island Fortress Suspicious
81-88 River Town Well-Informed
89-94 Dark Forest Shadowsight
95-98 Crypt of Necropolis Undead Foe
99-00 Unusual Homeland (Roll on Unusual Homeland table)
Encompassed species
Related Locations
A kithling replaces the standard halfling trait of Keen Senses and Sure Footing with the following traits:   Dark Halfling (Su): A Kithling has blindsense of 30 feet, and can “see” with that blindsense from any other square that another Kithling within 30 feet inhabits. If one or more Kithlings are within 30 feet of each other, none of those Kithlings can be caught surprised unless all of them are. A Kithling rolls twice and takes the lower result for any Perception checks outside of 30 feet, and cannot read things accurately outside of 10 feet.   Xenophobic: A kithling starts play speaking only Halfling, and replaces Goblin on its list of bonus languages with Common and Chirat.


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