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Luca (Loo-ka)

The Queen of the Bekuma

The First Bekuma, created through Eleyai experiments

Divine Domains

Luca is the goddess of uprisings and revenge, and grants her divine followers access to the Air, Destruction, Chaos, Liberation, and Strength Domains, as well as the Ferocity, Hatred, Rage, Revolution, Riot, and WInd subdomains.


Inside the center of the Ruins of Luca is said to be a massive machine, known as the Elemental Ambulator. According to the tales, Luca must perodically rest inside the ambulator, using it to stabilize her divine and elemental energies. Her followers believe that one day they will be able to fully control her energies, and this will elevate her to true divinity, ushering in a new age for the Bekuma.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Luca's holy symbol is that of a Bekuma vector, curled up in an upward fist.

Tenets of Faith

Luca spends most of her time either fighting incursions into the Ruins of Luca or sleeping to stabilize her power, and thus guides her faith little. Most of the tenets of her worship arose from powerful Bekuma who watch over her in her slumber. Those that are her most loyal are constant vigilantes and fighters against the Svanti Empire, and usually follow this code:  
  • I shall protect always my Queen, even with my own life.
  • I shall not suffer the grip of tyranny. When it reachs out its wretched hand, I shall instead be the one to grasp its throat.
  • I shall let no trespasses against our people go unpunished. If they seek redemption, they can find it in death.
  • I shall protect all Bekuma as if they were my own blood, and shall not aid in the machinations of the corrupt Yai.
  • One is not safe unless the community is safe. I will work with my neighbors to protect us all, and so that we may rebuild after the battle.
  • I shall never give away secret paths, and shall ensure that only the deserving shall walk them.


Those who follow Luca celebrate the supposed day of her destruction of the Eleyai lab that would become the Ruins of Luca. It is held on the 17th of Usa and is known by two seperate names: The Day of New Winds, or The Day of Holy Wrath. The Day of New Winds is mostly celebrated by hidden Bekuma, who are living a peaceful life away from the Ruins or the Empire. They spend the day with loved ones, celebrating their contiuned exisitance and the emergance of their people as a whole. The Day of Holy Wrath is celebrated by the more brutal and involved Bekuma who focus on, in their eyes, the righteous distruction of tyranny, and thus many wandering Bekuma use this day to enact thier revenge on their enemies in the empire.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Luca's primary goal is the protection of her children, the Bekuma, who are constantly persecuted by the people of the Svanti Empire. Many in the Empire fear that should she succeed in fully transforming the Ruins of Luca into a self sufficent state, as well stabilize her divine power, she will expand her goals from survivablity to the extermination of her ancient enemies.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Luca's phyiscal appearance seems to fluctuate wildly; utilizing her great power seems to take a toll on their body, causing them to age, and while the slumber in their ambulator, the energies stabilizer her and cause her to return to a younger form. When freshly emerged from the ambulator, she appears of a girl around 16, but usually ages quickly to around 30, especially when emerging in an emergancy to drive of an incursion.

Body Features

Luca appears as a typical Bekuman girl, but her most notable features include her hair and her vectors. Her hair is a dark crimson blood-red, and is long and wild. She has countless vectors, some say she has one for every Bekuma in the world, and unlike most of vectors, these ones are usually visible to the naked eye. These vectors glow with a dull red wind, as if the blood of her first killings still whirl in the primal wind.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Little of the exact details are known, as Luca seems to have no desire to speak greatly of the past, but at one point Luca was born a normal, low-born Kirran, while the Svanti Empire was still relativly young. When she was just a young girl, she was taken from her family by Eleyai scientists, and placed in the lab that would one day be named after her, along with scores of other Kirrans that no one would miss. At this secret place, horrendous experiments took place, as the Eleyai wanted to test the limits of humanity. Eventually, Luca was infused with a primal wind and storm, injected into her body like a virus. Rather than killing her, like her captives expected, this storm gave Luca immense power, erupting from her body in the form of the first bekuma vectors. Brutally slaying all her captors, destroying the facility, and freeing the other prisoners, Luca claimed the territory as her own, a safe haven for her new children.


Contacts & Relations

Luca is the boogeyman of the Svanti Empire, and thus has she holds an immense amount of hatred for it and its people, the Eleyai.   The plight of Luca and her children as caught the attention of others who often oppose the Empire. Members of the Dowan Hold often shelter the Bekuma or send supply aid to the Ruins, while the White Paw Priests, members of the Nekoan religion, often give medical aid to the Bekuma, regardless of local law.   Some speculate that during her periods of long sleep, that Luca communes with various deities, all seeking to potentially utilize her once she ascends to full divinity. Some fear that her increasing tendancies towards violence might be the plot of a Fiendish Lord, or should she take revenge against Eleyai, that the Lord of Genocide, Cabmov, will regain some of his lost form.

Family Ties

As the first of the Bekuma, all of them are descended from her. It is said that while she slumbers in her Ambulator, her vector tendrils can stretch out over the realm, and their touch can infect others with the "Bekuma virus" as the Empire calls it. While no hard proof exists, the rate of Bekuma arising from non-Bekuma parents does seem to be on the rise.


In the her rare moments of awakening and not immediately jumping into combat against and imperial incursion, Luca spends her time split between prowling the edges of territory in the lookout for danger, and meeting with any of the either new Bekuma arrivals or those born since her last awakening. Many Bekuma are bewitched by her, as if a moth drawn to a flame, and spend their time lounging around with her. Her multitudes of vectors are always touching her children, stroking their heads and offering a constant connection to her.


Luca rarely ever speaks, and often struggles with words. Scholars speculate that the trauma of the experiments at the hands of the Eleyai have damaged her communication skills, and she seems to prefer communing through empathic feelings rather than words.
Divine Classification
Human Demigod
Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Luca is known to most as the Queen of the Bekuma, but other titles include the Revenge Queen, Mother of Uprisings, and the Great Bane of the Empire.
Year of Birth
3300 803 Years old
Wild, blood red
Aligned Organization
Founded Settlements
Ruled Locations


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