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The Forlorn / The Aberrant

The Primal Beastman of the Seaton. A major player in the creation of the Kingdom of the Waves during the Age of Conflict, Otsmorn was betrayed and captured by the Abolethian Empire, becoming the first of the Tentawhales. He is divided into two personalities, Otsmorn Forlorn and Otsmorn Aberrant. Otsmorn Forlorn represents his original state, uncorrupted and still worshiped by the regualr Seatons, who hope to grant him enough power to escape his captors, while Aberrant represents his new, corrupted form, worshiped by aboleths and abberant Seatons.

Divine Domains

Forlorn Otsmorn is the deity of Revealing the Hidden, the Depths, and Trapped Things, while his Aberrant form is the deity of Corruption, Sea Monsters, and Aboleths. Forlorn grants his divine followers the Animal, Travel, Water, and Weather domains, with the Exploration, Flotsam, Oceans, and Storm subdomain. However, his imprisonment and transformation into Aberrant form means that his ability to grant divine power to his original followers is limited. His gifts mostly manifest only in the forms of oracle curse, a task which is Seaton followers take to stride with as a sacred duty and honor.   His Aberrant form grants the Evil, Void, Water, and Weather domains, with the Corruption, Isolation, Oceans, and Storms subdomains.


The Reins of the Forlorn are a set of abolethian fleshwarps grafted into Otsmorns flesh. It is believed that if all of them are removed, that the deity will regain a large amount of control over his mind and body, freeing him from his aboleth masters.   His followers craft Oracle Lanters and shine their light into the waters, in the hopes of guiding Otsmorn back to his home. They can use these lanterns to channel small amounts of his original divine power.

Holy Books & Codes

As a massive, aquatic creature, Otsmorn has no holy book, but his followers sing the Melody of Otsmorn, a dirge to his accomplishments in the Age of Conflict and a lament of his betrayal and capture by the aboleths.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Otsmorn's symbol is a broken lantern, although those who worship his aberrant form add additional tentacles emerging from it, as an acceptance of his corrupted state.

Tenets of Faith

Those who worship the Otsmorn follow the following code  
  • I shall always work towards the final goal; the Liberation of the Otsmorn.
  • I shall not work with or harbor the aberrations of the deep, and will spare no effort in their eradication.
  • I will protect and liberate the Seaton people from all outside influence, be it of the Deep or of the Surface
  • The ocean exists for all people to explore. I shall help those on the surface access the wonders of the deep, while protecting them from its horrors.
  • I shall not allow others to fall into captivity. I will work for the freedom of all creatures everywhere.
  • I will spread the light of truth, and not allow myself to practice in decpetions.
  Those that worship Otsmorns aberrant form are allowed much great freedom and interpretation of their codes, and antipaladins are quite common.
  • The aboleths are the true masters of the world, and I shall bring the foolish Seaton into their thrall.
  • I shall spread the will of myself and my masters to the highest reaches of the Surface world.
  • The ocean exists solely for the creatures of the Deep. I will not allow those from the Surface to defile it with their unworthy presence
  • I shall use anyone and anything to further the agenda of the deep. Those I cannot enthrall I shall slay.
  • I will enshroud my true plans, even from my so-called "allies", as to ensure that the real agenda is always served first and foremost.


The surface seaton hold the 23rd of Ixa as a solemn day, the Day of Lost Song. It is believed to be the day of Otsmorns capture by the aboleths. The aberrant seaton hold it as a holy day, often raiding the Lantern Archipelago for more seaton sacrifices and slaves for their deep masters.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Forlorn Otsmorns only goal is to escape his captivity and return to his people. In his more lucid moments, he sends portents of warning to his oracle followers, in the hopes they can stymie the plans of his jailers.   Aberrant Otsmorn is little more than a beast at the beck and call of his abolethian overlords, and thus serves whatever goals they desire at the time. Luckily, the aboleths often fight and scheme amongst themselves, constantly wresting control over Aberrant Otsmorn and preventing him from being used more aggressively against their enemies.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Otsmorn has been corrupted by aboleth magic, becoming a much more monstrous version of himself, with countless tentacles, eyes, and other appendages.

Special abilities

As the first of the Tentawhales, Otsmorn is basically a mobile fortress, city, and divine monster all in one. He can swallow entire battalions of forces and cause massive waves just by movement alone.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Legends state that Otsmorn was created in the aftermath of the Alpha's clash with Yaw during the Age of Creation. After the battle, Alpha sung a lament that swayed Yaw's heart and led to the creation of Tarethia. Flaof, the elven godess of waves, heard the song, and was also moved by its beauty. She wove the song into her own singing, and from the waves, Otsmorn and the first whales emerged to join in the song.   During the Age of Conflict, Otsmorn was crucial in travelling around the realm and helping the scattered islands unite against the titan Chrius and form the Kingdom of the Waves. Even managing to recruit the aboleths of the lowest part of the Deep Realm, Otsmorn carried a coalition of warriors to invade Chrius's territory, pushing back his forces until the Titan could be sealed in his prison. But at the end of the battle, the aboleths betrayed them, utilizing their mind magic to take control over him and forced him down into their depths, transforming him into the first Tentawhale.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Otsmorn is lauded greatly for his efforts in the foundation of the Kingdom of the Waves and his aid in the fight against the Titans.

Mental Trauma

Otsmorns mind has been ravaged by aboleth fleshwarping, and mostly has been reduced to a ravenous beast at the direction of whatever aboleth master holds the reigns. Rarely, his mind returns to lucidity, and he sends messages or help to his true followers, although such messages must be treated carefully, lest they be an aboleth trap in disguise.


Contacts & Relations

In his original form, Otsmorn was a close friend of Akū, the World Turtle, and Tarethia, the first Merfolk. They viewed Flaof as their mother and the Alpha as their father, and thus were also friendly to most of the other elven gods. They were a staunch enemy of Maw, who desires their dominon over the creatures of the deep sea.   With their aberrant form, they have lost all ties with their former allies, as they now only serve their aboleth masters. As many aboleths are friendly with the ideals of the Dark Tapestry deities Dagon and Cthulhu, aberrant Otsmorn occasionally serves their interests as well.
Divine Classification
Primal Beastman
Neutral (Forlorn) / Neutral Evil (Aberrant)
Current Status
Corrupted by the Aboleths
Current Location


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