Kingdom of the Waves Organization in Matera | World Anvil
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Kingdom of the Waves

The largest coalition of forces in Vatenrelm, the Kingdom of the Waves is comprised of many constantly moving city-ships (known as Imtaks) and ruled over by the Eleyaw

Public Agenda

The goal of the Kingdom is to unite the entirety of the Vaten Ocean creating safe trading lanes and completely controlling the flow of ships across the ocean.


The Kingdom has its roots in the Age of Conflict, during the Titan Rebellion. With Chrius the Titan of Frost turning his cold breath upon the realm, the scattered islands united, and with the guidance of Yaw, helped to defeat the titan and imprison him somewhere in the realm. This unification led to the formation of the Kingdom. However, with the establishment of the Overseas Merchant Guild, the laws of the Kingdom became more and more restrictive. They began to impose more and more tariffs, wages were lowered, and living conditions in the ships became increasingly terrible. This, combined with the Kingdoms attempt to colonize the many northern islands who wished to remain independent, caused much unrest among the free-spirited members. Many ships sailed north, defecting from the Kingdom and forming the Pirate Coalition. The Kingdom has attempted to pacify the pirates ever since.   In recent times, the King of the Pirates, Captian Lancrik and his crew, awoke a mighty beast known as the Everstorm, a massive flying dinosaur whose very wing-flaps cause hurricanes. They gathered an alliance of all the Pirate Lords, intending to take down the mighty beast once and for all as a final act of glory. Seeing the potential damage the fight could cause to the realm, and seeking an opportunity to take down the Pirate Collation once and for all, the Kingdom assembled nearly the entirety of its navy of several thousands of ships. However, the operation was a complete disaster, with several of the navy's admirals slain, hundreds of ships destroyed, and many many sailors dead. The pirates were successful in slaying the Everstorm and escaping the empire, but for several days afterword the realm was bludgeoned by storms. This entire event both kickstarted a new age of piracy, as the Kingdom was greatly weakened, and impassioned the Kingdom's recruitment of remote islands, as the great storms caused much devastation to the local communities.

Demography and Population

The Kingdom of the Waves is primarily made up of Eleyaw and Humans, but nearly all the races of Vatenrelm can be found inhabiting the many Imtaks that sail the ocean.


Due to the moving nature of the both the Kingdom and the Pirate Coalition, there are very few established and official territories, and the Kingdom claims rulership over the entire ocean. The Kingdom tends to remain more in the southern sea, as they have solidified their hold over the area, while attempting to quell the unrest of the northern sea, which is known as The Lawless Surf.


The Kingdom boast a truly massive navy, although the recent disastrous Battle of the Everstorm depleted many of its ships. The top command of the Navy is lead by the King, who also holds the position of Fleet Admiral, but due to Sekolim's young age, he typically delegates his duties to the Admirals while he focuses on the economical and civilian aspects of the realm.   There are major two Major Admiral positions, and four Vice Admiral and Rear Admiral positions:   The two Major Admirals are currently held by Zengasphes of the HMS Frostbane, and Onveng of the HMS Wavebreaker. Zengasphes is known as the "Giant of the Kingdom", and is often called the Kingdoms' Strongest Man. He is a Frost Giant who has turned against his own kind, patrolling the northern seas around the Frost Hold, slaying other frost giants, as well as leading expeditions to dangerous island of Drek-Bol. Onveng, known as "The Stratagem", is the main planner of the Navy. An Eleyaw, she has genius level intellect, and can come up with masterful plans with just a glance of a battlefield map.   Two of the four Vice-Admirals positions are currently unfilled, as they were slain in the Battle of the Everstorm, as well as all of the Rear Admirals. The Kingdom is currently attempting to fill their positions. The remaining Vice-Admirals are Ging Kleeb of the HMS Kingsworn, and Koult the Unwavering, formally of the HMS Bluestone, though the Bluestone and her crew mutinied against Koult during the battle and stole the ship.

Technological Level

The Imtaks, massive floating ship-cities that are similar to fortresses, are supremely well-built, crafted by the combined might of the Salana, Vatamen, and Eleyaw of the distant past. These Imtaks are large enough to house many people and even grow limited crops.   The Kingdom has also developed a form of communication known as a Comm-Shell. These shells come from a strange snail creatures who mate for life, and form a telepathic bond. This bond allows sensory inputs to be transmuted between them, and thus their shells can be harvested to create an item that transmutes sounds, allowing for cross-ship communication.


The Kingdom of the Waves is ruled over by the Church of the Endless Ocean, with the King always under the tutelage of a divine servant of Yaw herself. This advisor has the power to deem the current royal family unworthy and appoint a new one in their stead. The current advisor is an avian-headed creature known as Menshi.

Foreign Relations

The Kingdom has a large hold over a majority of the Realm, and thus has little foreign relations, with independent Imtaks working more as mini-states interacting with each other than the Kingdom as a whole working with others.


Each Imtak has their own rules, and the word of the captain is law, but all civilian captains are subservient to the Royal Navy. When different Navy ships meet up, the ship-rules of the higher ranking officer apply.

Trade & Transport

The Kingdom partakes in much trade with the Frost Hold, as those nations make many goods that are unable to be easily cultivated on the Imtaks, but most trade is handled through the Overseas Merchant Guild, giving them a large monopoly over the movement of goods.


The Kingdom mostly focuses on practical teaching of sailing methods; Swimming, climbing methods, repairing sails and rigging, and navigation. Most education not related to sailing is usually reserved for island nobles. Due to the lack of common paper, books are a rarity, and thus most education comes from verbal speech and practical example.


While the Kingdom rules over various small islands, a majority of their subjects dwell in large, constantly moving ship-cities known as Imtaks.

"Follow the Waves"

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Theocratic
The offical currency of the Kingdom of the Waves and Vatenrelm as a whole are Mele
Major Imports
Despite often having connections to the Pirate Coalition, the Kingdom trades frequently with the Salana dwarves of Sjómaður, as they have the excellent ship-building skills needed to maintain the Imtaks. They often purchase food from the Frost Hold, usually from Vatalend, and armor and metals from the Urmar of Björnlend.
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Notable Members
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


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