Svirfneblin Ethnicity in Matera | World Anvil
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Svirfneblin (Si-ver-ph-ne-blin)

Ashen-skinned gnomes who mostly dwell in The Underrealm beneath Ardlam, the svirfneblin are dour compared to their surface companions. Always growing long sets of beards and hair, the svirfneblin hide away from the other, more vile denizens of the Underrealm. Svirfneblin are slow to trust outsiders and quick to pass judgment.


Major language groups and dialects

Svirfneblin speak Terran instead of Auren

Shared customary codes and values

Due to their isolationist ways, individual svirfneblin vary greatly in alignment and values, with some embracing the ruthlessness' common to the Underrealm races, and others becoming akin to freedom fighters, aiding escaped slaves and actively fighting against dark forces. Regardless of alignment, all svirfneblin look out for their race as a whole.

Average technological level

Svirfneblin often craft alchemical items to help dig tunnels, such as exotic pickaxes and explosives for quick excavations.

Common Etiquette rules

If invited into a svirfneblin hovel, a guest will not be allowed to leave until the sign magically binding contracts to never reveal the location of the hovel to a non-svirfneblin.

Common Dress code

The svirfneblin wear tight clothes, designed to suppress noise and keep the svirfneblin concealed. They often wear large protective hats that enable them to mine safely.

Art & Architecture

The svirfneblin tend not to build and craft settlements, instead carving out simple burrows for them and their family. Such burrows are always concealed, and are often guarded by traps to prevent incursions from the more sinister races of the Underrealm.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Svirfneblin babies are often placed in cradles carved partially from stalagmites.

Coming of Age Rites

When a svirfneblin comes of age, they must leave their hovels to carve out their own home.

Funerary and Memorial customs

The svirfneblin bury their dead in small, simple burrows, so that their soul can be returned to the earth from which they sprang.

Common Taboos

Purposely revealing the locations of a burrow to a non-svirfneblin is an unforgivable crime, that only the most deplorable svirfneblin would partake in.

Common Myths and Legends

A majority of svirfneblin worship Snock, the Underminer, the gnomish god of miners and the earth, but can also be found worshiping other members of the gnomish pantheon.

Historical figures

One of the members of the legendary Lancrik Pirates is Krolzuk, a svirfneblin explosion expert.


Beauty Ideals

The svirfneblins' ashen complexion and dour dispositions means they care little about conventional beauty. Males are expected to keep their long beards clean when their not working at their digs.

Gender Ideals

Svirfneblin females are treasured immensely, as they are responsible for rearing children. Because of this, svirfneblin females are rarely allowed to leave their hovels until they reach adulthood.

Courtship Ideals

Svirfneblin males often bring females gifts of precious gemstones and minerals found in their digs.

Relationship Ideals

Centuries of abuse at the hands of the other Underrealm races have caused the svirfneblin to become xenophobic and isolationist. They have a sense of innate trust with other svirfneblin, regardless of familial status, but rarely make friends with non-svirfneblin, keeping what few interactions they make strictly business related.

Major organizations

Svirfneblins rarely join any sort of organizations, preferring to remain isolated in the Underrealm tunnels. They only enter the cities when absolutely needed, as the other Underrealm races tend to see them as easy targets for enslavement.

Random Svirfneblin Homelands
% Rolled Homeland Trait Gained
01-40 Subterranean Surface Stranger
41-80 Non-gnome Underrealm Settlement Freed Slave
81-88 Forest Forest Senses
89-94 Desert Desert Child
85-00 Unusual Homeland (Roll on Unusual Homeland table)
Encompassed species
Related Locations
A svirfneblin replaces the standard gnome traits of Defensive Training, Gnome Magic, Obsessive, as well as their low-light vision and standard ability scores with the following trait:   Deep Gnome: Svirfneblins gain a +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, and a -2 Charisma instead of the standard gnome scores.   Deep Resistance (Ex): Svirfneblins gain spell resistance equal to 11 + their hit dice.   Deep Sight: Svirfneblins can see perfectly in the dark up to 120 feet and have the light sensitivity trait.


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