Ardlam Geographic Location in Matera | World Anvil
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The Realm of Earth. Adrlam is covered in vasts swaths of large forests, but the northwest qaudrent of the relam is dominated by a massive desert. This desert, known as the Skretir Desert, was created when the gods smote an evil empire with a blast of energy. The realm also holds a massive network of great tunnels spread underneath it, known as The Underrealm.


The southern and eastern half of the realm is dominated by massive forests, while the northwestern section is covered in a massive desert known as the Skretir Desert. The central-northeastern area is a massive flowing plains that is run on by the free-spirited centaurs, known as the Eletheron Plains.


Ardlam is overall warm, with the desert area getting extremely hot.

Fauna & Flora

Ardlam is home to many large creatures and exotic plants, cultivated by the Green Order and the Briarhearts.

Natural Resources

Ardlam is rich in natural resources; the massive trees in the southern region able to supply many wood needs. The desert and the UnderRealm is rich in mineral, both mundane and magical, ore deposits, and the stone of the Mun-sa and Kuzon Ranges supply much building material.


Ardlam was shaped heavily by the Separation. Right before the separation, Akema-Ra, an ancient Human, united the warring human tribes and assembled a mighty Empire, conquering nearly the entire realm. He grew more and more arrogant and greedy, and began greatly exploiting the resources of the realm. Eventually, he turned to dark necromantic practices, partaking in more and more vile experiments and even began invading other realms. Seeing the desolation of the realm, several gods became enraged, and combined their powers to smite Akema-Ra and his empire, blasting it with their divine energies and creating the Skretir Desert, and some say even the first layers of the UnderRealm. This action shook the world, nearly causing it to crack, and The Author took notice, realizing that the gods should no longer interfere with the mortal world, least it get destroyed in the porcess. Thus, he created the Reir to and banished the gods into Ygg, creating the Age of Separation.   After this event, the races of Ardlam were in complete disarray. The elves, who suffered greatly under Akema-Ra, came into conflict with the surviving humans, and were driven underground, were they warred with the Duergar until they transformed into the Drow. The Alka, long slaves of Akema-Ra, saw an opportunity, and turned to Dibua, the Alkan god of wealth, and while the other races were distracted with fighting, consolidate wealth and power in the desert, taking over the remains of his empire forming the Skrefal Sultanate, and eventually evolving into Gnolls.   Eventually, the humans of the realm came together to form the Earthen Nomads, who believed that they must atone for the crimes of Akema-Ra by walking the earth to reconnect with nature and help the realm recover. Under their guidance, the realm outside of the Skretir Desert quickly rebounded.


  • Ardlam
    The realm of Earth, Ardlam is the birthplace of geomancy.
Alternative Name(s)
The Realm of Earth, The Earth Realm
Planar Sphere/Grouping
Included Organizations

  • 101


    Formation of the Elements

    The four Elemental Realms, Kirru, Ardlam, Ixuil and Vatenrelm are formed to help empower the World Tree. From this event, the four Elemental Lords emerge from the tree, Yai, Yea, Yef, and Yaw.

  • 1120

    The Kuzon Mountains are created
    Geological / environmental event

    The creation of the Lavaforge breaks up the Ebon Range, and a smaller mountain region eventually known as the Kuzan Mountains begins to form.

    Additional timelines
  • 1120

    The Lavaforge is formed
    Geological / environmental event

    The clashing forces of tectonic plates and the meddling of the gods create push the edges of Ardlam and Ixuil together, creating a massive area of volcanic activity known as the Lavaforge, where the gods create Diamond, the First Gemillion.

    The Lavaforge
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  • 1365

    The treants create the first briarhearts
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Early humans migrate to Ardlam and begin damaging its vast forest. The treants intercede, fusing some of the humans with the spirit of nature and creating the first Briarhearts.

  • 2155

    The Urtos take up residence in the Tosan pass.
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Ursan of Ardlam begin to inhabit the caves of the Tosan Pass, and following the tenets of Tos, evolve into the Urtos.

  • 2223

    Kachi banishes the trogs.
    Population Migration / Travel

    After the battle with the Dark Tapestry, many Ishka turned to worship Orgesh and the ideas of violent consumption. Kachi, saddened by the actions of her children, forever banishes them from Ixuil, driving them into Ardlam, were they eventually find their way into the Underrealm and devolved into the Troglodytes.

    Additional timelines
  • 2458

    Gara is created
    Artistic creation

    Gûnter promises Thanaloc he can create a powerful siege engine for him in his quest to fight chaos, but uses corrupted and shoddy materials. As soon as it is created, Gara, the first Crawling, immediately retreats into the earth, creating the Underrealm.

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    Additional timelines
  • 2460

    Fuulia creates Salaji

    Fuulia, the first of the Slimelings, uses their power to draw primal magic from the depths of the Twisting Vaults, creating a nexus of magic and the first Slimeling burrow, Salaji.

  • 2460

    Nafayim is founded

    The first crawlings, born in the wake of Gara's descent, create the city of Nafayim as a base camp to follow their god into the depths of the earth.

  • 2506

    Makar is created

    A mighty beast emerges from the depths of the earth, enraged by Gara's digging. Mea, Nit, and Ios combat the beast and slay it, crafting the first mantling city of Makar from its bones.

  • 2580

    Gromir founds Khansa

    Gromir founds the city of Khansa, and declares it a safe haven for all of Enthos-kind.

  • 2660

    The Orken Holds are established
    Military action

    The first orc Rumbling occurs, and the orcs take over the border between Central Matera and Ardlam, forming the Orken Holds.

    The Orken Holds
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    Additional timelines
  • 2690

    Akema-Ra's Ancient Empire flourishes

    Akema-Ra, the Eternal Pharaoh, rules over a majority of the Skretir Desert and even parts of the rest of Ardlam.

  • 2700

    Burab is founded

    Akema-Ra meets with Matha, the first of the nomadic stinglings, and establishes a trade deal. Matha gathers his children and founds Burab as a city to act as a trading post between the surface and the Underrealm.

  • 2714

    Lys founds Lamazil

    Lys, the first Buzzling, uses his connections built up over the years to build a massive city on the ceiling of a cavern to house his massive storeroom, dubbing it Lamizil.

  • 2850

    The Undertree is found
    Discovery, Exploration

    Chirats see visons of a powerful place shrouded in darkness, and begin to move from Skovasil in search of it. Eventually, they find a stone tree growing from the earth, and build a settlement around it, only to be trapped by the Seperation, eventually evolving into Roptars.

  • 2907

    The Birthing Pools are created
    Geological / environmental event

    The death of Albanor, the first ooze, creates a massive area of primordial acid on the borders of Ardlam, Vatenrelm, Central Matera, and Skovasil. From this area, the Alba emerge.

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  • 2910

    Janu is founded

    Many gnome seers predict disaster, so a majority of the gnomes retreat underground and form the city of Janu, eventually becoming the Svirfneblin.

  • 2981

    The gods smite Akema-Ra
    Disaster / Destruction

    Akema-Ra commits acts so vile that the gods themselves smite his kingdom, reducing it to a corrupted badlands known as the Dreadlands.

  • 3001

    The Author creates The Rier
    Geological / environmental event

    The Author create The Rier, a new god of barriers, and imbues it into the borders of the realms, sealing them off from each other and separating the gods.

  • 3063

    The Kuzon Front is established
    Military action

    Using the new defenses of the Reir, the Hobgoblins take over the Kuzan Mountains, renaming it the Kuzon Front and use it to fortify Ardlam against fiendish invasion, greatly increasing their influence in Ardlam.

    The Kuzon Front
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    Additional timelines
  • 3100

    The Elves and Dwarves are driven underground
    Population Migration / Travel

    The elves and dwarves war with each other and between infighting and the rising power of the hobgoblin and gnoll empires, are driven into the UnderRealm. They eventually transform into the drow and the duergar in order to survive the harsh conditions underground

  • 3101


    The Underwar Rages
    Military action

    The drow and duergar feud for control over the Upper Crust, and cause untold bloodshed. Eventually, they settle on a truce and establish their territories.

  • 3105

    The Duergar Renaissance
    Construction beginning/end

    The duergar capital of Dor-Behl is constructed, and the duergar spread out through the Underrealm, carving many great cities.

  • 3200

    Sarnheir is founded

    The elves turn to worship Sarnel, becoming drow and forming the first noble house, House Hel-dai. They build the drow capitial of Sarnhir in Sarnels honor.

  • 3300

    Raegil is spawned
    Life, Birth

    The crystal dragon Raegil emerges from the depths and takes over a small amount of territory in the Lower Depths. His territory eventually grows to the entire southeast corner.

  • 3400

    Hubire is founded

    The drow, seeking more to use against the duergar, begin kidnapping halflings in mass and forming a large slave city to hold them, creating the city of Hubire. The halflings eventually evolve into dimlings, but many escape and return to the surface.

  • 3401

    The Drow Expansion
    Military action

    The drow succeed in taking over a majority of the duergar's territory and crafting their own cities in their place

  • 3402

    Gobsmack is founded

    The duergar conscript all the goblins trapped in Ardlam by the Separation, and attempts to use them as an army against the drow. Most end up escaping and eventually forming the settlement of Gobsmack.

  • 3700


    Girrothi rampages through the UnderRealm
    Military action

    A Juko named Girrothi descends into the UnderRealm with a large force, intending to wipe out the races dwelling there. While the majority of his forces are quickly killed, he continues his massacre until he is finally driven into the Lower Depths, where is rampage is stopped and he is slain by the crystal dragon Raegil.

  • 3990

    Fodarr is founded

    The city of Fodarr is constructed with cooperation from both the Duergar Kingdoms and the Drow Noble Houses, in the hopes of constructing a new Underpass and preventing another Underwar.

  • 3997

    33 Matra

    Fodarr is destroyed.
    Military action

    Fodarr is destroyed by unknown means, with is residents turning on each other and reduced to ash by an invading Formorian army.

  • 3997

    34 Matra

    38 Ura

    The Formorian Uprising
    Military: War

    The formains and antlings, angered by the poisoning of their Queen, attempt to rise up, leading a coalition of Enthos against the drow, but eventually are wiped out and placed under drow subjugation.

  • 3998

    27 Kura

    Salaji sinks into the Twisting Vaults
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The ancestral home of the Slimelings, Salaji, suddenly sinks back into the Twisting Vaults.

  • 4000

    10 Vata

    Day of Pain
    Disaster / Destruction

    An intense burst of energy shoots across the UnderRealm, causing great pain to every single Duergar. Many newborn, young, and venerable Duergar die due to the event.

  • 4000

    13 Vata

    The Nessarad creates D.E.C.K.
    Diplomatic action

    The leader of stragglers of the Enthosian coalition meets with the Duergar King, and succeeds in lifting the Hammer of the Duergar King, gaining the kings respect and creating the Duergar-Enthos Coloation of Kingdoms, also known as D.E.C.K.

  • 4000

    15 Vata

    40 Matra

    The Bloodfire Rumbling
    Military: War

    United by twin Orc brothers and prodded by the Darkmoon Alliance, both the surface tribes and the Underrealm tribes of orcs unite to create the biggest Rumbeling ever. Simultaneously invading the surface and the Underrealm, they wreck havoc on Welthrone and the Duergar Kingdoms, before their leaders are assassinated by the Band of the Sunlit Sword and The D.E.C.K respectivly.

    Additional timelines
  • 4000

    40 Matra

    The Sundering
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Rostrom absorbs the power of an imprisoned Dark Tapestry god and shatters the Reir, ending the Age of Separation and ascending to godhood.

  • 4000

    7 Kura

    The Death Spiral Appears
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Leftover wild magic from the last battle of the Bloodfire Rumbeling coalesces into a storm of death magic, which wanders area surrounding the battlefield.

  • 4001


    New Fodarr, New Burab, and The Second Mound are founded.

    The Drow force the Duergar into rebuilding Fodarr, and create a new mound for the now enslaved antlings and formians, who are tasked with keeping the northern Orc tribes at bay. The Stinglings, relocate their city of Burab for more favaroable trading conditions with the drow, and to avoid the new Death Spiral.

  • 4001

    16 Ura

    The Drow Ascention
    Military: War

    The Duergar are greatly weakend by the Day of Pain, the Rampage of the Fomorians, the Bloodfire Rumbeling, and the Sundering. Seizing the moment, the Drow restart their ancient war. Despite the support of the D.E.C.K., the duergar are forced to retreat the the Lower Depths, and succed their Upper Crust territory to the drow. The Duergar slave trade with the surface is greatly reduced, and most Duergar are forced into living in Enthosian cities in the Lower Depths.

  • 4103

    16 Usa

    The Death Spiral Disappears
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Death Spiral suddenly vanishes


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