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The Scattered One

The Scattered God

The god of lost knowledge; it is believed they are scattered across time and space.

Divine Domains

The Scattered God seems to have a small bit of influence over spacial and time magic, but not to the extant of any other deities who preside over time. It seems to hold domains over secrets, trapped things, and lost knowledge, often granting its followers glimpse of unknowable truths. It grants its divine followers access to the Chaos, Knowledge, Magic, Rune, and Trickery domains, as well as the Arcane, Education, Entropy, Innuendo, Language, and Memory subdomains.


The Scattered One was believed to have used some sort of machine for their attempt to ascend, and thus its followers are constantly looking for the strange parts to rebuild it, with many assuming that it is the only way to restore The Scattered One to a complete form.   The church also has access to strange items known as ScatterSkulls. These ScatterSkulls have strange, warping properties on magic when used as focuses. Many believe that when a follower of the Scattered One dies, their are transformed into one of these skulls, but this theory is highly debated, with others stating that the existence of the Followers in Grey disproves the idea.

Holy Books & Codes

Due to having no direct influence in the world, the Scattered One has created no holy code. but instead seems to have inscribed hidden and often nonsensical messages in remote places of the world in its strange language, Scatterscript.   As the Church of the Scattered God is more of a large research team than a congregation, its followers inscribe their findings in large journals kept in temples known as Logs. These logs are written entirely in Scatterscript, and are almost always protected by various glyph, rune, and symbol spells. Followers often have small, personal Logs that act as journals as well.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The holy symbol of the Scattered One is a pair of hands pointing in opposite directions, although another common symbol is a skull with the top of it slowly dissolving.

Tenets of Faith

As the Scattered One cannot communicate directly to its followers, they attempt to interpret and form their own tenets based on the knowledge they gain from their arcane experiments. As scientists, they are constantly reevaluating and even changing aspects of the faith, but the most devout among them follow a code close to the following
  • I will uncover the hidden secrets of the others, so to better hide my own.
  • Everything can be learned eventually; If I fail, I must learn from the experience so that I may try again.
  • To gain knowledge without effort lessens its impact.
  • I will not leave ideas trapped. While knowledge can be dangerous, I will strive to make sure it is used correctly rather than hidden away.
  • I will seek the Follower's In Grey, so that I can further aid the Reconstruction.
  • I will be relentless in the recording of my knowledge, so the it may persist if I am lost.


Due to the Church of the Scattered God's more scientific nature, its members usually view holidays as useless distractions and thus the Church has no official holidays. However, the 17th of each month is known as Entry Day, which is a day for sharing knowledge and inviting others to collaborate on projects, as well as updating temple Logs. Such days are usually hosted by the head priest of the area, often at their own private residence, which will often cause members of the church to leave seclusion and descend on nearby towns. These wanderers are often wearing skull-shaped masks and are antisocial to those outside of the church, and this can cause those unfamiliar with the procession nervous that the city is being invaded by strangers.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Many assume that the Scattered Ones' only goal is to somehow regain a true form, but some theorize that it learned a great secret kept by Draganna Kalila Piitag, and thus she was the one responsible for it's state. They think that it is guiding the Church of the Scattered God to undercovering this grand secret and to help elevate themselves to a higher level.

Physical Description

Body Features

The Scattered One, when manifested, seems to appear as a broken skeleton, with parts constantly fading in and out. The more artistic members of the Church of the Scattered god make constant attempts to visualize what the deity looked like before entering its current state.

Apparel & Accessories

Followers of the Scattered God often drape themselves in long, protective black coats to help shield them from the effects of magical experiments. When traveling, most prefer to hide their features behind a skull-like mask the is a representative of the Scattered Vestige. This can often frighten others and even cause the Scattorian to be mistaken for some kind of necromancer, but most prefer to be left alone and thus care little of the perceptions of others.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Very little is known about the history of the Scattered One, although records of its existence and the broken ruins that became the Scattered Tower date back to the year 2393, although such records are constantly being rewritten as more evidence is uncovered. The most prevalent theory is that the Scattered One was a wizard in a kingdom that predated Welthrone, who attempted a powerful ritual to glimpse the secrets of the universe. Their attempt went terribly wrong, and the magical disaster split their essence across all of time and space, elevating them to godhood while simultaneously stripping them of their ability to effectively wield their power. This theory is backed by records that talk of a disaster that destroyed an ancient kingdom of that time, but most of the writings of the event seem to be lost or damaged.

Gender Identity

Most members of the Church of the Scattered God believe it to be male, but no concrete proof of its gender has ever been found.


Contacts & Relations

Unlike other divines, the Scattered One has no herald; Instead, carefully crafted rituals can summon skeletal form that most believe is the most complete version that the Scattered One can manifest, which is referred to as the Scattered Vestige. The Scattered Vestige seems incapable of normal communication, only making strange uninterpretable sounds, and is highly volatile. Most attempts to summon the Scattered Vestige ends with it going on a rampage, with it using telekinesis to wield multiple ScatterSkulls and warping space and time around it. The Scattered Vestige sometimes even appears on its own in strange locations, often prompting the priests of the church to set up outposts and study those areas.   The Scattered One's divine servitors are know as the Followers in Grey, or sometimes simply just Grey Followers. These creatures appear as versions of humanoids, completely lacking in color. They often even resemble members of the church, including those who have long past and those still living, although it seems such creatures don't retain much or any of the knowledge of the creature they resemble. Little other details of the Followers is known, as their interactions with mortals fade from memory soon after they ceases interacting with them, and even written words about them slowly fade, and must be constantly renewed or they become lost forever.   The Church of the Scattered god is often at odds with the Church of the Beyond, the followers of Draganna Kalila Piitag. Many Scattorians believe that Draganna is somehow responsible for the Scattered Ones' state, while Dragannans often must police the Scattorians for attempting dangerous experiments involving space and time.   Some theorize that Ches, the Nekoan god of Invisibility, is related to the Scattered One in someway, with some even stating the Ches is in fact the lost voice of the Scatter One, due to their similar domains and the fact the Ches also seems to not have a true form.

Family Ties

Most believe that the Scattered One was once a Human, and if that is indeed true, it means that they must be descended from Eve, who gave birth to the Edaan, the first humans.


The Scattered One seems incapable of normal speech, instead emitting strange sounds akin to screeching. Many believe that this is the verbal form of ScatterScript, but only the highest ranks in the Church claim to have mastered speaking and understanding it.
Divine Classification
Main Pantheon Deity
Chaotic Neutral
Current Status
Scattered across time and space
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Scattered One is often referred to as simply The Scattered God, but other common titles are The Broken One, The Visage, and (S)He Who Watches.
Year of Birth
2393 1710 Years old
Current Residence
Quotes & Catchphrases
Followers of the Scattered One often speak the following phrases:   Interesting…. Very… Very… Interesting: This phase is indeed part of the mystery of Scattered One, as Scatterscript text has been found containing it. Even stranger is the fact that the more one seems to delve into researching Scatterscript, the more they find themselves defaulting to saying this phrase, even when they normally don’t use it. Most believe it to be a sign that one is becoming closer to their enigmatic god.   Beware Those Who Speak In Code: Scattorians speak this phrase to threaten those outside the church, either personally or to warn someone about a particular member of the church that they don’t personally get along with. Loving to be overly cryptic, they might also say this phrase as a hint that they have hidden a puzzle or clue somewhere in the area.   He/She Is All Around Us: Scattorians believe that the Scattered One has been split across all of time and space, and thus is omnipresent. They say this phrase when speaking secrets, to affirm that it too may hear what is said behind closed doors.

Character Portrait image: by @caitlinc37


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