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Draganna Kalila Piitag (Drag-ann-a Kha-lee-la Pee-tag)

The From Beyonder

The goddess of space, time, and the void, Draganna Kalila Piitag was the first deity to emerge from the World Tree. She is the third oldest being in existing, with only the Author and the World Tree itself predating her. With her emergence, time begin to flow and space began to emerge. She is depicted as a draconic humanoid with purple scales and downward bending horns.

Divine Domains

Draganna holds sway of three important aspects of creation, the Flow of Time, the Expanse of Space, and the Outer Void that lays between time and space.   Draganna grants Clerics who follow her access to the Law, Time, Scalykind, Space, and Void domains, and the Dragon, Future, Inevitable, Past, and Stars subdomains.


Draganna carries with her the Hourglass of Hours, which is said to control time, and the Staff of Space, which is belived to be able to bend space.   Draganna's herald, Tarvuyith, carries a magical quarterstaff known as the Void-Twiner, which is said to embody the consuming nature of the vacuum of space.

Holy Books & Codes

Draganna's sacred text is a mysterious book known as What Was and What Will Be, which is believed to hold the secrets to accessing the elusive Dimension of Time within its pages. The pages are often written in indecipherable runes that slowly reveal themselves to their owner as they progress further up the ranks of the clergy. It is considered extremally bad luck to open to a section that you haven't read to naturally, and it is believed that opening your book to the last page without naturally reaching it will bring about a sudden and untimely death.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Draganna's holy symbol is a orb-like hourglass that is full of sand that is as dark as the blackness of space.

Tenets of Faith

Draganna cares little for what her followers do as long as their actions do not harm the fabric of space time, and thus lays down few tenets other than hunting those who would abuse temporal or spacial magic. Her followers are often dispatcher to capture of kill creatures mutated by temporal experiments or unlucky wizards caught in teleportation mishaps.   Draganna's Holy Code is as follows
  • My foremost duty is to uphold the laws of time and space.
  • I will understand that some moments in history are destined to happen, I must let those moments happen, even if those moments cause me pain.
  • My time is precious and I will not waste it. When my time is up, I will accept it without question.
  • I will always respect my elders, as they have witnessed much more of time and space then I have.
  • If my enemies refuse to repent, I will bring the icy death of the void down upon them.
  • I will always be prepared, so that I may be ready when “that time” finally arrives.


The 1st of Vata and the 40th of Ura are celebrated as The Beginning and The End, respectively, as the first and last days of the year. The Beginning is celebrated as another year ushered in by Draganna, while The End is a thoughtful day of reflection of the year the is now passing into history.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Draganna has little goals other than maintaining the proper flow of time and the stability of space, and thus rarely intervenes in the mortal world. Her blessings are extremally difficult to achieve through prayer, and she often seems to grant blessings at random, even to those outside of the church. Her followers chalk this up to her divine foresight planning things far in advance, and often seek out those blessed randomly to bring into the church.

Physical Description

Facial Features

Draganna has eyes that lack pupils; they are instead filled with small sparkling stars.

Apparel & Accessories

Images of Draganna often depict her only wearing a simple dark robe.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Creation stories differ on exactly how Draganna came to be; some state that she simply was born spontaneously from the World Tree, while others believe that the Author sculpted her from raw Cosmic Energy.

Intellectual Characteristics

Dragannas' knowledge is said to rival or even surpass the Authors, as she can see things that he has yet to write into being.


Contacts & Relations

Draganna's herald is a mysterious figure known as Tarvuyith. Not much is known about them, but they appear as a small sized cloaked humanoid who is made of glowing stars and space-matter. Those who have claimed to have glimpsed under its hood state many different things, ranging from images of other lands, a type of creature never before seen, and even their own face looking back at them.   Draganna's main servitors are known as time elementals, strange elementals who are rarely able to be summoned, and are made purely out of the essence of the Dimension of Time. They are incredibly dangerous creatures, capable of permanently aging with a touch and are notably difficult to control, acting on whims known only to Draganna.   As an elder god and one with power over such fundamental forces, Draganna is well respected and feared by the other deities. The Seasonal Lords all have great respect for her, viewing her as a grandmotherly figure, due to her defense of time being essential to the continuation of their cycles.   Despite her lawful nature, Draganna seems to have no problem with Protos, viewing her chaos as essential to the continuation of existence, and serves as an advisor to Thanaloc.   The Twin gods Shi and Ihs consider themselves students of Draganna, as their roles of arbiters of birth, death, and destiny are all tied to the passage of time.   Rostrom is begrudgingly accepting of Draganna's power; its is rumored that shortly after his ascension, while being guided through the divine realms, he sassed Draganna one too many times. She retaliated by temporarily blocking his ability to teleport and sent him to the deepest depths of the DeepRealm, forcing him to slowly swim out. He denies that this event ever happened.   The elven god Skuith is said to have sought Draganna's tutelage when crafting the constellations, while the gnomish god Guzmeg and the halfling god Rame have great respect for her for allowing space to expand so that they can explore it.   Of the few that know of the existence of Yog-sothoth, most believe that Draganna and Yog-sothoth are diametrically opposed, with Draganna representing an ordered time and space, while Yog-sothoth represents unguided and chaotic growth of time and space, and that they spend most of their time locked in conflict with each other.

Family Ties

Draganna is the mother of the eldest Titan, Chronu, as well as the mother of the Elven deities Aurë and Giwathil; the dwarven god Harung, and the tengu god Víðópnir. All but Chronu have great respect for Draganna, with those who follow Chronu claim that Draganna is a tyrant who unjustly keeps all others under her rule of a "correct" timeline.


Draganna often speaks strangely, often as if she is unsure of exactly where she is. She often references things out of context, such as things long past or even events that have yet to happen. She often speaks of a period known as "That Time" and that it is constantly coming. Many scholars debate that whatever "That Time" refers to, it often changes based on who Draganna is speaking to, potentially meaning the "That Time" actually refers to many different events.




Towards Draganna Kalila Piitag


Draganna Kalila Piitag

Child (Vital)

Towards Ygg


Draganna Kalila Piitag


Towards Thanaloc




Towards Draganna Kalila Piitag



Friend (Vital)

Towards Draganna Kalila Piitag



Draganna Kalila Piitag

Friend (Important)

Towards Erá




Paramour (Vital)

Towards Draganna Kalila Piitag



Draganna Kalila Piitag

Mistress (Trivial)

Towards Hunginn




spouse (Vital)

Towards Draganna Kalila Piitag



Draganna Kalila Piitag

spouse (Trivial)

Towards Sartos



Draganna Kalila Piitag

Mother (Important)

Towards Chronu




Son (Vital)

Towards Draganna Kalila Piitag



Draganna Kalila Piitag

Creator (Important)

Towards Aurë




Daughter (Vital)

Towards Draganna Kalila Piitag



Draganna Kalila Piitag

Creator (Important)

Towards Giwathil




Son (Vital)

Towards Draganna Kalila Piitag



Draganna Kalila Piitag

Mother (Important)

Towards Harung




Harung (Vital)

Towards Draganna Kalila Piitag



Draganna Kalila Piitag

Mother (Trivial)

Towards Víðópnir




Son (Vital)

Towards Draganna Kalila Piitag



Divine Classification
Supreme Deity
Lawful Neutral
Current Status
Overseeing Time and Space
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Like most gods, Draganna has many titles, the most common being the From Beyonder, but also including The Lady of Time, the Master of Space, and the Void Mistress.
Date of Birth
1st of Vata, 1 AC
Year of Birth
1 4102 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Divine Emergence
Ygg (Birthplace)
Thanaloc (Partner)
Erá (Friend)
Hunginn (Paramour)
Sartos (spouse)
Current Residence
The First and Last Pillar
Dark and Star-like
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Purple Scales
Quotes & Catchphrases
Famous aphorisms of Draganna and her church are as follows:   Your Time is Up: Said to those who are about to die; it is said respectfully when the recipient is about to die of natural cause, and said with a more mocking tone when they are going to take a life with their own hand.   All Space is Closer than You Think: This phrase is used when casting teleportation magic, and when traveling. It is meant to show one’s view of how the world is much smaller than people think.   The Void Beckons: Only spoken when a Dragannen is very upset, it is basically a promise to obliterate whoever it is said to. This often includes magic to stop their soul moving on to the afterlife. It is spoken more commonly by those who follow her Piitag aspect.

Character Portrait image: by @caitlinc37


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