Tiko Ethnicity in Matera | World Anvil
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Tiko (Tee-ko)

Neko that lurk in that hot jungles of Ixuil, the tiko resemble humanoid tigers and are much more vicious then other Neko. Preferring to remain solitary, the tiko travel from place to place hunting their prey.


Major language groups and dialects

Many tiko learn to speak Ignan as an additional language, as it is a common dialect of Ixuil.

Shared customary codes and values

The tiko are not above consuming humanoid races, and many actively hunt others. Kitsune flesh is considered a exquisite delicacy, and many tiko hunters venture into Kitsune territories in the hope of sampling the taste.

Average technological level

Like most races in the fire realm, the tiko prefer to utilize more primal means rather than rely on technology.

Common Etiquette rules

The tiko are fiercely territorial, and thus it is unwise to enter their territory without invitation.

Common Dress code

Due to their heavy fur and the heat of the jungle, most tiko wear nothing more then a simple loincloth and whatever protective gear they may own.

Art & Architecture

Most tiko don't build extended settlements, instead preferring to roam. Solitary male tiko simply sleep out in the open or up in a tree, and will often carve out marks in nearby trees to Distinguish their territory. A female tiko who is raising kits will usually have several dens crafted in her territory that the family travels between.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Unlike the majority of the Neko of the other realms, the tiko quite enjoy swimming or lounging in the water, as they use it to keep from overheating.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

A tiko mother often must drive males away after giving birth, as ancient instincts sometimes compel male tiko to attempt to kill newborn tiko.

Coming of Age Rites

When a tiko reaches adulthood, they usually leave home immediately to find their own territory, although families often keep their territories close to each other. Male tikos become extremely aggressive when they come of age, and thus siblings or parents are sometimes forced to utilize violence to drive away a tiko who refuses to leave.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Since most tiko are solitary creatures, they have little in the way of funerary rites, and often their bodies are quickly reclaimed by the jungle.

Common Taboos

Tikos pride themselves on their strength, resiliency, and destructive might, thus those who show weakness and dependence on others are looked down upon.

Common Myths and Legends

A majority of tiko worship Sekmet, the Nekoan goddess of Hunger and Disasters, but can also be found worshiping other members of the Nekoan Pantheon.


Beauty Ideals

The tiko are quite proud of their stripes, and the placement of a tikos stripes can affect its perceived beauty.

Gender Ideals

Female tiko are considered protectors, and usually raise her young by without male assistance, but otherwise have no traditional gender roles.

Courtship Ideals

Unlike normal nekos, female tikos who enter heat get very aggressive. When a wandering male catches the scent of a female in heat, they chase towards the female, and often must fight off other males who have also caught the scent. When a male catches up with the female, if the female doesn't immediately accept the male as worthy, the male will usually fight and attempts to dominate the female to prove it's worth. Depending on how tired or wounded the male was from it's trek, this attempt can easily lead to the death of the male.

Relationship Ideals

The tiko are solitary creatures, and thus have few relationships. Most relationships they form with other tiko are of a competitive nature, while they tend to view other races as either potential threats or meals.

Major organizations

Most tiko don't join any sort of organizations, instead preferring to live alone in the jungle. Tikos do occasionally join large hunting parties or particularly vicious mercenary groups.

Random Tiko Homelands
% Rolled Homeland Trait Gained
01-30 Jungle Silent Hunter
41-60 Swamp Strong Stomach
61-80 Secluded Village Restless Hunger
81-94 Blasted Plains Planar Escapee
95-00 Unusual Homeland Unusual Homeland
Encompassed species
Related Locations
A tiko replaces the standard neko traits of Animal Minded and Sprinter with the following trait:   Jungle Neko: A tiko gains a +2 racial bonus on Acrobatics checks, and a tiko can always move unhindered through natural difficult terrain in jungle environments. This bonus increases by 1 for every two hit dice beyond the 1st the tiko possessess.


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