Ixuil Geographic Location in Matera | World Anvil
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The Realm of Fire, Ixuil is covered in vast jungles and numerous volcanoes.


  • Ixuil
    The realm of fire and the birthplace of Pyromancy, Ixuil is a vast jungle home to many beastmen.
Alternative Name(s)
The Realm of Fire, The Fire Realm
Planar Sphere/Grouping
Included Locations

  • 101


    Formation of the Elements

    The four Elemental Realms, Kirru, Ardlam, Ixuil and Vatenrelm are formed to help empower the World Tree. From this event, the four Elemental Lords emerge from the tree, Yai, Yea, Yef, and Yaw.

  • 883

    Levex-Casein begins to grow
    Geological / environmental event

    Fueled by the heat of Ixuil and the primal energies of Usoram, the magical forest of Levex-Casien begins to grow.

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  • 925

    The Ebon Range begins to form
    Geological / environmental event

    The movement of the Wyrms causes massive geological activity, which begins the formation of the Ebon Range.

    The Ebon Range
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  • 1120

    The Lavaforge is formed
    Geological / environmental event

    The clashing forces of tectonic plates and the meddling of the gods create push the edges of Ardlam and Ixuil together, creating a massive area of volcanic activity known as the Lavaforge, where the gods create Diamond, the First Gemillion.

    The Lavaforge
    More reading
  • 2001

    Prometh splits the First Flame
    Criminal Activity

    Without the permission of the gods, Prometh, the titan of fire, splits the First Flame apart and creates the first Fire Giants.

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  • 2223

    Kachi banishes the trogs.
    Population Migration / Travel

    After the battle with the Dark Tapestry, many Ishka turned to worship Orgesh and the ideas of violent consumption. Kachi, saddened by the actions of her children, forever banishes them from Ixuil, driving them into Ardlam, were they eventually find their way into the Underrealm and devolved into the Troglodytes.

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  • 2918

    4 Arda

    The Breaking of the Shackles
    Population Migration / Travel

    Adinos leads his followers out of Central Matera and into Ixuil, where he forms the Tribe of the Eternal Way and creates the Tamun

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  • 2966

    Astor betrays Asmodues and is sealed away
    Military action

    Asmodeus sends Astor and his astyrs into Ixuil with the intent of conquest, but Astor betrays Asmodeus and sets off on his own path, only to be sealed away in the Ebon Range by Adinos and the Tribe of the Eternal Way.

  • 3001

    The Author creates The Rier
    Geological / environmental event

    The Author create The Rier, a new god of barriers, and imbues it into the borders of the realms, sealing them off from each other and separating the gods.

  • 3008

    9 Kura

    Adinos becomes a Holy Spirit
    Life, Death

    Adinos dies and is eaten by his followers, who absorb his essence and transform him into the patron spirit, the Lord of Eternal Way.

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  • 3087

    Gob creates the Everburn
    Criminal Activity

    In an attempt to burn down the Reir, Gob sets fire to an entire border, creating the region known as the Everburn.

    More reading
    The Everburn
    Additional timelines
  • 3992

    8 Kura

    Sonzu is born
    Life, Birth

    Sonzu, who is believed to be the Scion of the Eternal Way, is born.

  • 4000

    40 Matra

    The Sundering
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Rostrom absorbs the power of an imprisoned Dark Tapestry god and shatters the Reir, ending the Age of Separation and ascending to godhood.


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