Urran Ethnicity in Matera | World Anvil
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Urran (Er-ran)

Humans who dwell in the infernally dominated Urro, most Urrans are demonized by the other humans of the world, due to their association and often subservience to the evil outsiders of the realm. Most urrans however, are simply working to survive in their harsh environment.


Major language groups and dialects

Most urrans speak Urrok Common, although many of the territories of Urro require them to learn either Abyssal or Infernal, with some even banning Urrok and other languages altogether.

Average technological level

The Urrok are heavily industrious, delveing into both new technologies and dark magic.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Wealthy Urran can afford to purchase a small amount of devil blood to anoint their newborns, in the hopes that it will bestow a dark blessing upon them later in life. For the common Urran, they might substitute this ritual with wine, or simply hold the newborn aloft and offer dark prayers to whatever dark force they venerate.

Coming of Age Rites

Male Urrans usually follow in their fathers footsteps, becoming an apprentice or taking over the family business. Many wealthier Urrans attend a university or mage-school to hone their mind and magic, before graduating and gaining either governmental or high level clergy positions. Poor Urrans have little choice other than to become laborers (although the hardest of jobs are usually reserved for the Lileän), or low-level church members.   Woman are usually married off to increase familial connections as soon as possible.

Funerary and Memorial customs

The Urrok have little care for their dead, and usually a body of a deceased member is sold to an infernal warlock or a infernal-backed government, so that the body can be used in dark rituals. Wealthier Urrok might have a familial crypt that they lay their dead to rest in.

Common Myths and Legends

Nearly all of the Urrok worship one of the ten Fiendish Lords, with a majority venerating either Asmodeus or Ranva.   A common legend is that Asmodeus arrived in the ancient past, and began the Hellcraft, the construction of his planar realm known as the Hellforge, but left the surrounding tribes to their own devices. When his brother Thom established his hold in The Pit, Asmodeus approached the tribes, warning them of the upcoming demonic dangers. The humans of the realm headed his warning, but the halflings refused to trust him. These early humans became the first devils, and help Asmodeus create the mighty Zorda Battlements. The halflings, now nearly exctinct from rampaging demons, returned to the newly built gates and begged for protection. Suprising his new creations, Asmodeus agreed to save them, in exchange for their future loyalty. But once the demonic threat had been repelled, the halflings attempted to betray Asmodeus, and thus were cursed as oathbreakers into becoming the Lileän.

Major organizations

While the Urrans are spread out throught the realm, a majority of them dwell in the devilish nation of Skatoria, with smaller concentrated populations in Kamaa and the Kika Jungland.

Random Urran Homelands
% Rolled Homeland Trait Gained
01-40 Walled City Excellent Penmanship
41-50 Dark Jungle Vindictive Strike
51-60 Feudal Mountain Village Detect Disobedience
61-70 Tundra Village Pain is Pleasure
71-80 Heretical City Hatred of the Gods
81-90 Sinful City Covenant of Abbadon
91-94 Infernal Stronghold Scholar of the Great Beyond
95-98 Abyssal Pit Abyssal Eavesdropper
99-00 Unusual Homeland (Roll on Unusual Homeland Table)
Encompassed species
Languages spoken
Related Locations


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