Urro Geographic Location in Matera | World Anvil
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The Realm of Hate, Urro is ruled over by the 10 Fiendish Lords, evil demigods all vying for power and control.


  • Urro
    The realm of Hate and the birthplace of negative energy and destruction magic, Urro is home to many evil-aligned outsiders, such as demons and devils.
Alternative Name(s)
The Realm of Hate, The Hate Realm, The Land of Fiends
Planar Sphere/Grouping

  • 601


    Love and Hate bloom

    The beginnings of mortal life inspire the gods, who experiment with their creations and split into factions. The Author creates the Armarium and Urro for the gods creations to live.

    Additional timelines
  • 1120

    The Lavaforge is formed
    Geological / environmental event

    The clashing forces of tectonic plates and the meddling of the gods create push the edges of Ardlam and Ixuil together, creating a massive area of volcanic activity known as the Lavaforge, where the gods create Diamond, the First Gemillion.

    The Lavaforge
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  • 1120

    The Kuzon Mountains are created
    Geological / environmental event

    The creation of the Lavaforge breaks up the Ebon Range, and a smaller mountain region eventually known as the Kuzan Mountains begins to form.

    Additional timelines
  • 1670

    Velsrac is imprisoned

    Unsatisfied by his creation, Thanaloc imprisons Velsrac deep beneath Urro.

  • 1700

    Asmodeus begins construction of the Hellforge
    Construction beginning/end

    With guidance from Thanaloc, Asmodeus creates what would later become the top floor of the Hellforge, and begins the Hellcraft.

  • 1897

    Ranva is born
    Life, Birth

    A mortal creature in Urro dies after amassing a large horde of treasure and material goods. She refuses the call of Ygg and death, and her spirit flees into a newborn baby, becoming reborn as Ranva, the first Rakshasa.

    Additional timelines
  • 2008

    Asuren creates Drutmire
    Geological / environmental event

    Asuren, the First Mistake, corrupts the land, creating the swamp of Drutmire.

  • 2100

    Dandar creates Vagunn

    Dandar carves out his own territory.

  • 2160

    O-bakêmo descends on Kamma
    Disaster / Destruction

    Driven out of Kirru by Urûr, O-bakêmo descends upon the mountains of the west, consuming its inhabitants, conquering the area, and renaming it Kamma.

  • 2500

    Ranva consolidates power

    After centuries of gathering power and power through reincarnation, Ranva subjugates the previous ruler of the Kika Jungland and crafts the opulent palaces of Hala.

  • 2670

    Velsrac is freed
    Disaster / Destruction

    The ancient guardians of Velsrac are slowly corrupted by her whispers, and eventually release her. This act causes the entire area to freeze over, becoming the Zutorn Tundra.

  • 2685

    The Eye of Cabmov is imprisoned; The Pit is created
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Cabmov slays the Infernal Wyrm and many other children of Thanaloc and Protos, until being restrained, and having only their single massive eye remaining. The eye is imprisoned deep within the Urro, and Thom is tasked with guarding it. Thom uses Cabmovs warping presence to create The Pit, and with it the means to mass produce demons.

    Additional timelines
  • 2689


    Asmodeus creates the Zorda Battlements
    Construction beginning/end

    Asmodeus, anticipating Thom's plans to invade, utilizes is magic and many devilish minions to construct the massive walls of the Zorda Battlements, protection his lands from Thoms' demons.

  • 2690

    Thom's Demonic Invasion
    Military action

    Thom unleashes his newly cultivated demons, who spill out of The Pit into Urro and even into other realms

  • 2700

    Egurmin releases Ahrima
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    In an attempt to stave of Thom's demons, the nation of Egurmin releases Ahrima, who had been sealed their following the Titan Rebellion. Ahrima teaches its citizens how to corrupt natural forces to create divs, and they use them to successfully repel the demons.

  • 2705

    Egurmin is destroyed
    Disaster / Destruction

    Ahrima and her divs turn on Egurmin, reducing it to a wasteland.

  • 3001

    The Author creates The Rier
    Geological / environmental event

    The Author create The Rier, a new god of barriers, and imbues it into the borders of the realms, sealing them off from each other and separating the gods.

  • 3001

    Omni takes Vrasia
    Military action

    Omni emerges from the Stygian Ring and singlehandedly conquers the nation of Vrasia, transforming its most powerful residents into Daemon overlords for its major cities.

  • 3063

    The Kuzon Front is established
    Military action

    Using the new defenses of the Reir, the Hobgoblins take over the Kuzan Mountains, renaming it the Kuzon Front and use it to fortify Ardlam against fiendish invasion, greatly increasing their influence in Ardlam.

    The Kuzon Front
    More reading
    Additional timelines
  • 3087

    Gob creates the Everburn
    Criminal Activity

    In an attempt to burn down the Reir, Gob sets fire to an entire border, creating the region known as the Everburn.

    More reading
    The Everburn
    Additional timelines
  • 4000

    40 Matra

    The Sundering
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Rostrom absorbs the power of an imprisoned Dark Tapestry god and shatters the Reir, ending the Age of Separation and ascending to godhood.


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