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Urtos (Er-toss)

Ursan native to the underground caves of Ardlam, the urtos more closely resemble cave and dire bears, with fearsome stone-like protrusions protecting their skin. Ill tempered and quick to violence, many urtos viscously attack and eat anything that comes within their territory.


Major language groups and dialects

Few urtos even pick up Ard Common, and most barely both to speak full sentences in Ursan, instead preferring to utilize loud grunts and body language to get their points across. The rare view the manage to pick up another language often pick up Terran or Undercommon, as those are common languages of nearby races.

Shared customary codes and values

The urtos value their strength and hunting prowess, and are always seeking for more exciting and tasty meals.

Average technological level

The urtos have no patience to learn any form of technology, and anything not able to easily be eaten or smashed is not worth their time.

Common Etiquette rules

The ursan have no patience for rules or etiquette, and are likely to attack anything that wanders into its territory.

Common Dress code

Like most ursan, the urtos have little need for clothing, and often don't wear anything, even as a courtesy when around other races, as they have little respect or need to conform to their standards.

Art & Architecture

Most urtos live in simple caves, often surrounded with actual bears, and barely have a concept of building and creation.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Like most ursan, the urtos hibernate to avoid the chill of winter months, and often stock their caves full to the brim with food so they only rarely need to leave their lairs.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

The urtos have no birth rites, as young must quickly learn to fight for itself to earn higher amounts of food from its mother and compete against any hungry siblings.

Coming of Age Rites

When an urtos grows large and bold enough, it challenges its mother for a higher share of food, and a fight breaks out. The loser is driven away and must now fend for themselves. In the cases where the cub is the victor and has siblings, that cub becomes the new leader of the warren, but its hold is likely to be challenged constantly by its hungry siblings.

Funerary and Memorial customs

The urtos leave their dead to be consumed by whatever felled them, as most die in violent combat trying to hunt a beast. A urtos in desperate need of food might consume another's corpse, but such practices are very rare.

Common Taboos

The urtos have little in the ways of taboos, although many know better than to challenge those who are beyond their ability to fight.

Common Myths and Legends

While often not a religion with much for any organized practices, most urtos worship Tos, the Hungry Bear, the ursan god of Feasts and Hibernation. It is believed that when An was traveling through the halls of the dwarven pantheon during her ascention, she passed his dining hall and noticed a great feast. Overwhelmed by her hunger, she consumed a meal meant for Sartos, and had to slay several of his guards on her escape. It is believed that Tos was born from that act of hunger, and the Ursan must go into hibernation annually to fight with the hungry and violent spirit of Tos to keep it at bay. The urtos instead view hibernation as a commune with Tos, to sharpen their hunger for the waking world.


Beauty Ideals

Urtos care little for beauty, only thinking of their strength and their personal food storages. If they find a member of the race who catches their fancy, they think little of simply approaching and subjugating the target of their "affection".

Gender Ideals

Like most ursan, the genders of the urtos are relatively equal, although not in a friendly way. Both males and females are constantly trying to dominate each each, but luckily neither are overly stronger and thus power remains split between them.

Courtship Ideals

Urtos courtships are brutal, quick, and violent affairs', with the initiating party often barging into a cave system and simply attempting to mate with the first suitable partner they come across. Rarely, more beneficial partnerships form, with the two acting as hunting partners and gathering gifts of food for each other, but such parings seldom last.

Relationship Ideals

Urtos are feared for their mighty power and vicious hunger by both the surface dwelling races of Ardlam and the denizens of The Underrealm. They have little in the way of relationships with each other, as most interactions between them ending in violence.

Major organizations

The urtos are the most solitary of the ursan, having no permanent settlements, although many urtos make their homes in the cavernous Underpass simply known as the Tosan Pass. This pass is considered one of the most dangerous of the underpasses, as most urtos attack any who enter their territory on sight.

Random Urtos Table
% Rolled Homeland Trait Gained
01-30 Cave-City Killer
31-60 Subterranean Surface Stranger
61-80 Forest Reckless
81-95 Desert Desert Child
96-00 Unusual Homeland (Roll on Unusual Homeland table)
Encompassed species
Related Locations
An urtos replaces the standard ursan traits of Animal Minded and  with the following traits:   Cave Ursan: A urtos gains Natural Armor trait at 1st racial level instead of 2nd, and increase their natural armor 3rd and 5th racial levels instead of the normal increases.   Darkvision: A urtos can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.


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