Diplomatic action
The Aureus family is declared the head of Hallow's End by Caskbane and Hlorthran.
After forming a council the 3 families come to the decision that the Aureus should be have the final say in all matters dealing with Hallow's End. The Aureus have the power to decide the laws and what can happen.
This decision was not easily come to as all the families had reason and greed for being the ruling house. The Caskbane's were the first to settle, the Hlorthran's were the ones to build up the economy and get a name for the town, and the Aureus were the ones that kept the town safe, stable, gave it law, and allowed it to continue as a place for people to live.
However, the Aureus used their cunning, and already in place power to leverage the title over the other 2 families. Declaring that they could easily take the town with the guards that they had set up or just leave it defenseless. Along with the threats to the town the Aureus also showed up to the meetings demonstrating their sheer physical power and weapon proficiency. They weren't devil breeds for nothing after all.