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Mason Lennox

Mason Lennox

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Mason Lennox grew up within the Church of P’thalo. A devoted follower of the Goddess of Love, to him there was no greater power in the world then that of love. He was a product of the union between Christopher and Madeline Lennox, two traveling priests who spent their lives healing and caring to others who were sick and dying. Mason stayed at the Temple in Darel when his parents traveled. He was the only child of the two but was watched by the priest there as if they were their own. Mason enjoyed a very peaceful and loving childhood.[/br]   Upon reaching the age of 16, Mason entered into the Paladinhood. He thought that he would serve P’thalo best by being part of this organization and travel the world helping those in need. Mason truly loved people and wanted to spend his life caring for everyone he could. He was accepted without hesitation and went through the proper training. It was here that he met Clarisa Morganton. Clarisa had been part of the order in Hosiana but was sent to Darel for her training as well. The two were inseparable from the time that they met and ended up taking the vows of matrimony together once they finished their Paladin training. It wasn’t very long from that point that their son, Aiden was born. The family was assigned to a small town of “insert name here” to help set up a small church to P’thalo there. The family spent two years establishing the small shrine. It was a good life for Mason and he felt he was serving the Goddess of love faithfully.[/br]   Mason had been requested to return to Darel by Mother Dunlap so he left to travel back to the city. When he returned a week later, he found the shrine in ruin. Clarisa had died defending Aiden both having sword wounds through their chests. The only evidence of the assailant was a crest of two crossed sabers on a field of copper. Mason felt hatred for the first time in his life. He sat, holding his family in his arms staring at the crest, his blood boiling. He had seen death before, pain caused by others but his love for P’thalo had seen him through and gave him strength. But seeing his family in his arms, his faith left him and was replaced by hatred. He buried his family, he buried his love and compassion and went out in search of their murderer. It took him 3 months to track him down, what little money he had was spent on paying people for information. He barely ate, he slept deep in the woods away from the towns he came too, all his money was devoted to finding that person. There were times he felt his compassion trying to return but his hatred and vengeance always seemed to return just as quick. Finally, he found his family’s killer. It was a man, Rufus was his name. He had been traveling through the area and had stopped at the small shrine for rest. He was let in with open arms, but Rufus was haunted by demons and those demons caused him to attack Mason’s family that night. Mason confronted Rufus outside that town, Rufus begged for his life, telling Mason what had happened but all Mason could see is his blood rage. It ended with mason’s sword in Rufus chest. As soon as Rufus collapsed, Mason wept. Wept for hours, for his family, his loss of his compassion, and his loss of love for people. This was the beginning of a further downslide. He took up drinking to disrupt his pain, he hired himself out as guard or whatever he needed to do to earn coin to drink. He became bitter, a lost soul.[/br]   It was one week ago when Sister Abigail found Mason. She had been traveling back to Darel and had stopped at one of the Inn’s outside the city. She had been one of the priests who helped raise Mason and she collected his drunken body passed out outside the inn and took him back to Darel. She began to nurse him back to health but although she could repair his body, his spirit required something greater. She knew he could never rise back in the Paladinhood, but his soul could still be redeemed and set on a different path. She began her vigil to pray for his redemption.[/br]   It had been a long week for Mason, he had not had alcohol in days. He was sick to his stomach, and was dehydrated. He spent that week in and out of sleep, not remembering where he was until the last night. He dreamed he saw Clarisa standing in front of him, just out of arms reach. She was frowning at him, that frown she always gave if he ever said something or felt something that was against what they both believed in. She then pointed to a light just to the side of her, Mason stared into the light and felt a rush of warmth fall over him. But the light moved further away, passing over a small girl sick with disease. A woman stood over her crying and he woke screaming for the light. Abigail was standing over him in prayer and as she collapsed from exhaustion she said to him “The light of redemption begins with a child named Amelia”[/br]



Failures & Embarrassments

Fallen paladin, murder of his family's killer who was an innocent man possessed by devils.
Current Location
Aligned Organization

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