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Church of Brilla

“The one question I am asked more than any other is "What is Truth?" Apparently mortal are fascinated with this question. Well I have decided to tell you... Truth is a lie! The idea of truth is a security blanket that mortals hide beneath as they cower in their beds to avoid looking at the wondrous madness that the universe is comprised of."
  "Those whom I call to my service realize that it is not enough to make someone look outside their blanket... you have to rip it away from them, and while you are at it steal the bed and burn the house down. Mortals have the most disconcerting obsession with permanence, never realizing that it is only an illusion. They cannot bear to see that the bedrock of their foundation is actually the flowing water of a typhoon."
  "The universe is wondrous chaos, but such knowledge does not come without danger. It is dangerous to know the impermanence of the world, for only by changing before the world can change you, will you know power over instability. Unlike most others, you must realize that there is no power in the illusion of control, the only power is in the heralding of the changes that come to all creation."
  "Walk with me while we fly together. Take shelter in my storm. I make no promises, for who can say that tomorrow will not be yesterday. Search for the truth in my madness, for only seeing our lies may set you free”


It is perhaps a misnomer to claim the Brillan faith is organized. After all, order is ultimately diametrically opposed to everything the Brillans believe is the right course of action. However, there does seem to be some order to the chaos.
When Brillans who share the same outlook on the path toward change that is correct for them meet, they are compelled to share their beliefs with each other, and ultimately to spread the faith of Brilla and bring more people to the greater understanding that can follow.
  Despite having no centralized authority, the faith does recognize a hierarchy of authority through a series of ranks. There are however fewer ranks in the Brillan faith than most others, and the highest rank observed is that of Priest. Brillans don’t believe in requiring a single, powerful, central mortal authority. The only ultimate authority to a Brillan is the Lord Brilla himself, and it is he who has the power to command his will to his clerics.
  Novitiate: The rank of Novitiate is the title given to clerics who have passed the requirements for investiture and entry into the Brillan clergy. This is an honor that can only be bestowed upon a follower by a Curate or higher rank, and the requirements for a follower to become ordained into the priesthood typically differ from parish to parish. It is usually up to the presiding cleric to decide if a person is worthy of investiture into the rank of Novitiate.
  Acolyte: Acolytes are those clerics who have passed out of their early training and are allowed to begin taking part in religious duties. These duties often involve tending to the worshiping grounds, lighting candles, etc. For this reason, Acolytes are sometimes referred to as Altar servers or Altar Boys, though females are not precluded from joining the priesthood.
Deacon: Once a prospective cleric passes on to the rank of Deacon, his duty to the followers of the faith grows. He now serves directly under the ranking priest, doing whatever duties are assigned to him. Typically the deacons aid the ranking priest in tending to the pastoral and administrative duties.
  Curate: Curate is the lowest rank of parish priest, capable of presiding over his own parish if no priest of higher rank is present. Curates also may fulfill the duties of the Vicar if for some reason he is incapable of fulfilling his duties to the parish. In this regard, a curate is often an assistant priest.
Vicar: The Vicar is the second highest rank of parish priest, often times presiding over a large town’s parish. Only a Vicar is capable of fulfilling the duties of the Priest in his absence. They are often also responsible for overseeing a part of the ranking Priest’s flock.
  Priest: The Priest is the highest recognized rank of the Brillan clergy. A Priest is most often the minister of a city’s parish, and is responsible for the investiture of all of his subordinates. Priests of different parishes are often known to meet with other priests to discuss important, wide-reaching matters of the faith. Without a central authority other than the will of their god, the Brillan priesthood is known for its communal decision making, deciding large scale issues in council.
  There are many sects in the Brillan faith, possibly more than ever have been recorded. Despite this seemingly fractured religion, the orders in fact get along relatively well, sharing their individual beliefs between one another in hopes that in doing so will lead to the continued changing of the faith itself, and therefore leading to the ultimate truth. It is for this reason that many Brillans see the sects as colored panes of glass around a golden light. Each sect reflects an aspect of the truth of the lord, and so each has its place in better understanding the nature of the Lord Brilla
Religious, Holy Order

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