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Brilla, God of Chaos

Brilla is a God known by many names: the Mad One, the Ever-changing One, the Dreamlord, the Golden Prince, and the Lord of Change. He is the second son of Hosia and Astrix, formed from the pieces of everything that is, was, and could be. Brilla is also known to a select few as the god of insight.
  It can be said that Brilla is as misunderstood by his family as his priests are by mortals. Though throughout history, Brilla has tampered with mortals and existence, often at the disapproval of his father, Hosia. Brilla is by no means a mean or malevolent deity; he simply acts on that which he contrives to be possible. This has proven to be to mortals’ detriment just as much as it has been to their benefit. Some would say Brilla’s actions throughout history were, and still are, Brilla’s way of seeking his father’s approval, and in some ways may not be far from the truth.
  In essence, Brilla is a god of possibility, chance, and change. It is because his mind his filled with everything that not only exists, but also that which could exist, that Brilla is known as a god of madness. Even for Brilla himself, a god, such knowledge is too much for a single mind to bear.

Divine Domains

Chaos, Dream, Knowledge, Madness, Gnome

Holy Books & Codes

As the faith spreads, the congregation grows and begins sharing many similar beliefs. These groups in the past have grown to the point eventually where their beliefs were recorded for others to learn in the future. The records kept by these disparate sects came together into the Brillan holy text, the Book of Whole Vision. This text is the culmination of the faith of many Brillans who came before, and its goal is to teach the ultimate glory that is Brilla, the Lord of Change.
  The Book of Whole Vision is a book of ancient tales, philosophy, and mad scribbling, pieced together over the years by those who wished to preserve it. In many cases, the original authors of many of the random tales and writings are unknown. This book is one meant to teach the word of Brilla through the experiences of faithful who came before. It however is not simply a static text, it is said that no two books are exactly alike, and there always seems to be more blank pages in the back for a Brillan priest to place his own faith into the ever-changing text.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Brilla's holy symbol is a piece of the Brill pool, a symbol of the power of chaos. The Brill pool itself is a piece of raw creation, ever changing and ever moving.

Tenets of Faith

To many people, it is difficult to describe the theology of the followers of Brilla. By the very nature of Brilla, the faith is one that is renowned for its fluidity and altering opinions. Because of the chaotic nature of the faith itself, it would seem that it would be unable to formulate some kind of binding religion, and doom itself to ultimate failure. This is however not the case, for if there is one binding thread between all followers of Brilla, it is the idea that the penultimate truth can be found within the essence of change. Change is the path to the ultimate end: a world of chaos. A world in which Brilla, the Golden Prince will take his father’s place on the throne of the gods. It is change itself that all Brillans strive for, because it is in change that will lead a soul to the correct course of action, and thus his righteous reward.
  The Brillan religion has as many different ideologies as there are possibilities in Brilla’s mind. Because it is Change that is ultimately striven for, the path to Change, and thus the path to Brilla, is indefinite. This uncertainty is what causes the faith to allow for countless different sects; all of which who are ultimately bound by Brilla’s one binding tenet: Change is the path you must walk, all else is inessential. It is for this reason, that despite the many differences between the faiths of individual followers, there is little internal hostility. In many ways, there seems to be a binding understanding behind the madness. There are a myriad number of paths one may take to reach one’s faith in Brilla. This is perhaps one of the most misunderstood aspects of the faith, as it is one that across sect boundaries focuses on doing the right thing, as opposed to the good thing. This is also why many Brillans are often distrusted and persecuted, often being referred to as madmen and anarchists in a derogatory sense. To a Brillan, however, these terms are true, and instead of being offended by such terms, they delight in it. After all, what is madness but the ability to see a world that no one else seems to understand?
  Brillans do not inherently despise order, because even order can have a place in the path to change, however in the end, order has no place in Brilla’s world. For this reason, Brillans also feel it is unnecessary for order to remain when greater change can be achieved by its downfall. However, this does not mean that Brillans simply destroy. Destruction leads to Oblivion, not Change.
For many Brillans, their faith is a very personal one. This concept is what makes the faith so unique and desirable for many. Every faithful Brillan brings to his congregation his unique vision of the path to Change, and in doing so, broadens the minds and souls of his fellow faithful, ultimately allowing for change to occur even in the beliefs themselves, thus furthering the word of Change. It is also because of this concept that gets many Brillans in trouble. Brillans see ultimately that the individual must be free to change his world, and do his part to usher forth his Lord’s time. The Brillan belief of the empowerment of the individual can be an appealing one, especially in places where the law is particularly strict or unjust. No one can teach a man to rebel like a Brillan.
  Change itself is the paramount goal of the faithful of Brilla, and their faith proclaims that they should do whatever is necessary to further that single goal. So, this indeterminate goal provides for an atmosphere that encourages sectarianism, as well as individual variation. Brillan theologians are tasked with looking at every possible path to the Lord Brilla and the day of his coming to power. In the meantime, clerics of the faith must broaden the faith of his followers, always sure to focus on the communal sharing of individual faith and seeking to understand their lord’s path by understanding all possibilities. All of this must be done in order to prepare them for the coming of their lord.


Robanus, God of Death


Towards Brilla, God of Chaos


Brilla, God of Chaos


Towards Robanus, God of Death


Divine Classification
God of Chaos, Change and Madness

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