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Lust, Goddess of Passion

Lust, also known as Mai'el, is one of the daughters of Madora and Robanus. Her cult was started by the ranger Mandell before the fall.

Divine Domains

Lust, Competition, Charm, Liberation

Holy Books & Codes

The priests of Lust have hundreds of rituals, everything from ritual orgies to fire walking. The rituals will vary from priest to priest.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A Whip crossed with a Garter. (The Elves of Oman worship her as a God of Beauty and Pleasure and replace the whip with a flowering vine)

Tenets of Faith

The Theology of Lust is easily the most misunderstood of all the Gods of Meaghana. Most outside the faith, and many inside, believe that by giving in to the passions and lusts of the mortal world, that one can overcome them and ascend to a higher point of consciousness. This however ignores several important points of the faith:   1) All Mortalkind is constructed of waves of fantasy, composed and crafted by the Soul at the behest of Lust, who subjects the Self to their flight.   2) All sensations and ideas, including that of the ego or "I", are simply manifestations of these fantasies. And part of mortalkind's problem is the refusal to recognize their egotistical belief of control as being just one of many of the Self’s fantasies.   3) Only by sublimating the self before the passage of these fantasies can mortals incorporate them into the Self. This is done by a process known to the Lustians as “Dreaming the dream onward.” and giving in to the images and fantasies that are imposed on the Self by the external Soul. In this manner the Self can be completed and allow the Self to peer through the layers of Fantasy and recognize the truth of existence that lies within and beyond it.
  It is important to note that many Acolytes of Lust literalize these fantasies into passions and lusts by which their spiritual growth is stunted. Unlike many faiths, these people are not cast out of the faith, but are used as temple prostitutes and other lower functions with the hopes that they can use their lusts to aid others in the following of their fantasies. Only those that accept the nature of the Fantasies of the Soul can learn to move within them to achieve enlightenment. The Priests of Lust believe that the only way to gain wisdom and knowledge in the world is to experience it is an all encompassing sensual way. They seek to push themselves to the limits of their physical bodies and beyond. They are the ultimate Sensualists.
Divine Classification
Goddess of Passion and Sensuality

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