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Robanus, God of Death

Robanus, known as the Dread Lord, is the first son of Hosia, and the judge of the dead in Meaghana. His followers are found in all places, tending graveyards, and seeing the dead on to their final rest.
  Robanus is the essence of Death as the transition from this life to the next. He is not the god of the means of death, but its process. As the judge of the dead, he upholds the laws of the universe and determines the faithfulness of all mortal beings.

Divine Domains

Death, Law, Earth, Undeath, Inquisition

Holy Books & Codes

The only holy book in the Church of Robanus, is also the holy symbol of his priests, the Tome of Death Recorded. This tome is ritually created for each individual priest when he is ordained, and it serves two purposes. First, it contains the writings of the church, including the Commandments of Robanus, and the resulting studies and religious writings and them and the duties of the priesthood. Secondly the Tome of Death Recorded is used to record the names and deaths of mortals on Meaghana, when a dead mortals name is written in the book, all the details of his life is magically entered as well, and it is said that this information is immediately entered in Robanus’ library so that the Dread Lord can judge the spirit of the departed. The tome is blessed by Robanus and never runs out of pages. In addition the priest for whom it was made can command the book to open to any desired page.
  A second book is considered of great importance to a certain group of the faithful: The Daemonslayers. This book is the Libram Infernos, or the Book of the Damned. This book contains Robanus’ commandments on the slaying of all infernals, and teaching of them, so that the Daemonslayers can know their foes.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Tome of Deaths Recorded

Tenets of Faith

The priests of Robanus see the world as a prelude of existence. They believe that life is just a test of Robanus to determine who is worthy to spend the afterlife with him. It is their belief, rightly so, that Robanus determines where each soul goes after death. Robanus has two main faces, one is that of the Dread Lord. This is the face shown to those that still live, and represent the fear and uncertainty of death. This is the face of death to those that oppose the will of Robanus. The other is the comforter. This is the face shown to those that have died. It is Robanus' responsibility to comfort the souls of the dead and to explain to them what has happened. This face is the most unknown as when some one returns from the dead, the memory of this face becomes hazy and hard to remember. The church of Robanus was officially started by the High priest Aukbar Margul, who wrote the commandments of Robanus. Commandments that Robanus has approved of. They are detailed below:
  1) Life should not be taken or given recklessly.
  This basically means Robanus is against murder (see below for difference between murder and clean death.). Also, some say surprisingly, Robanus is against rape. Part of this stems from Robanus' late wife, the goddess of Beauty, Madora. The other part comes from his eighth commandment.
  2) The clean death should be given immediately when needed.
  The clean death, Priests say, is characterized by the person's death benefiting either their soul or the rest of creation. Hopeless alcoholics and murderers and such fall into this category.
  3) Souls deserve their just reward after death.
  Robanus believes that he gets final say in a soul's destination after death. This being the case he despises demons and such that take the souls before Robanus. His priests are instructed to slay demons whenever possible.
  4) Eternal life is an abomination. Robanus believes that all should one day bend knee to him. He believes that elongating the life span is fine, but to make oneself immortal, such as through active vampirism, or lichdom, is a blasphemy and an affront to the power of Robanus. It is common practice to grant the clean death to those that are immortal to no fault of their own, and to invoke the right of oblivion on those whose choice it was.
  Rite of Oblivion:   The rite of Oblivion is a powerful right of the priests of Robanus and one they take very seriously. The rite invokes Robanus to completely destroy the soul of a creature, upon its death. The creature it is used upon seems unaffected until they are slain, then if the rite is successful the creature is swept into oblivion and completely destroyed. This prevents, speak with dead, raise dead, and any other form of contact with the deceased. If a priest uses this power recklessly, the lowest punishment is excommunication. Depending upon the circumstances, the punishment may be greater including reversing the rite on the one that called it.
  5) The undead are good servants, return them to their rest after they serve you.
  Robanus believes that reanimated dead are useful but for a priest to keep them around past an immediate use is, not only in bad taste but, an unwarranted punishment on the souls of the undead. Let's just say repeated infractions, displease Robanus.
  6) Fear not Death, for in it is the reward for the righteous. The priests of Robanus as a group do not fear death. They see it as the last act in glorifying their master. For a priest of Robanus to die like a coward is blasphemy. His name will be struck from the record books as if he never was.
  7) The life giver's place is not among us; if they give up this gift however, accept them with open arms. Robanus doesn't grant spells and prayers to fertile females. If , and only if, a female cannot produce children then can she become a priest of Robanus. This doesn't mean that priests are not allowed to have children, just that the mother cannot be a priest of Robanus. On the contrary, Robanus' faith has spread mostly from being passed from father to son.
  8) By knowing death, glorify life. Robanus knows that death is just part of a cycle and that everything dying is just as stupid and pointless as nothing dying. He also realized that life is a precious gift, and those that squander it are more deserving of pity, than contempt.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Judge the Souls of Mortals, Maintain the balance of existence, Destroy Demons and Devils.


Robanus, God of Death


Towards Brilla, God of Chaos


Brilla, God of Chaos


Towards Robanus, God of Death


Divine Classification
God of Death and Judgement
Parents (Adopting)

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