Construction beginning/end
Onmyouji settle in Rai'jen
In year 38, an Onmyouji master by the name of Akihiro Dai travelled from Ritsaku to Rai’jen. Upon his arrival, Master Akihiro told Lord Hashimoto that the stars had revealed to him the future of Rai’jen and the House Hashimoto, and that they walked within the swell of destiny.
He then told the Lord that he intended to construct a tower in accordance to the alignment of the celestial bodies and begin the training of Onmyouji to serve Rai’jen. Honored by this news, Lord Hashimoto gave Akihiro land in the mountains north of Mitasa where the great wizard used magic to construct a great tower. Since that time, the great wizards have trained Onmyouji of noteworthy power and great destiny.