Dorielle The Chaotic Fairy Character in Medolania | World Anvil
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Dorielle The Chaotic Fairy

Dorielle The Chaotic Fairy

Dorielle is a short (2 ft or 61 cm) slim fairy, that has butterfly red/pale pink wings that expand behind her. Her physical appearance is her skin has a pale pink hue to it that sparkles in the moonlight, her hair is long in length, almost pastel pink in color, and she has pinkish eyes with flecks of red in them. Almost all time her wings are fluttering behind her and she's off the ground to be about the same height as normal humans. Constantly, she has small glittering red flames that surrounds her. Normally she wears tights and a short skirt with a long sleeve pink shirt that never gets dirty or a tank top tucked into her skirt.

Dorielle is a short (2 ft or 61 cm) slim fairy, that has butterfly red/pale pink wings that expand behind her. Her physical appearance is her skin has a pale pink hue to it that sparkles in the moonlight

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Light Pink
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Pink
2 feet
Quotes & Catchphrases
Okie Dokie My name is Dorrriii

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