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Vendelinoc Ghe'eti

Vendelinoc Ghe'eti is a world-renowned school of medicine and healing, located in the kingdom of Qìbryss, in west Ermoth, though it is affiliated with numerous sister-schools throughout the world. Its alumni, physicians of the highest caliber, are devoted to offering their medical services to anyone who might need them, regardless of any aspect that could be reason for discrimination in the minds of others, such as their origin or their faith. The Vendelinoc schools teach all their students free of charge, and their income primarily comes from donations by those who wish to support them, such as thankful patients and wealthy philanthropists.

Graduates of the school can be found in almost every part of the known world, either having a permanent residence and medical practice, or travelling from place to place as wandering physicians, in search of anyone who might need their services. They generally ask not for a specific reward, but accept any type of donation, be it money, food, clothing, or anything else for that matter, that their patients might want to gift to them in return for their services. Nevertheless, each culture has developed its own beliefs and customs regarding what might constitute an acceptable reward for a doctor's aid. If, however, a patient is destitute and cannot afford to provide even the smallest offering, vendelings willingly perform their medical tasks pro bono, though they tend to keep such acts of kindness secret from the public, lest their patients become tempted to no longer compensate them. Moreover, to show their appreciation to their school for their education, alumni are typically expected to send annual donations to the Vendelinoc Ghe’eti prime academy, or to the respective sister-school where they were taught the healing arts. Renowned for their healing prowess, extensive medical knowledge, exemplary atruistic behaviour, bedside manners and their generally kind disposition, Vendelinoc Ghe’eti physicians are well liked, greatly respected and highly sought after all throughout the world by nobles and peasants alike, for all sorts of ailments of the body and mind.

King Mogvith and Queen Saldurna, who reigned in Qibryss during the era of the school’s founding (4825 after the Cosmogony), were particularly great benefactors of the Ghe’eti. When their eldest child and heir to the throne fell ill to a plague that had been ravaging the kingdom, the doctors of Vendelinoc were summoned to the royal palace along with many other healers, collectively given the task to cure the royal couple's offspring. Indeed, the Vendeling physicians managed to gradually resore the young prince to full health. Moreover, during the lengthy process of researching the cause of the illness, thet accidentally unearthed a political ploy which was traced back to the noble house of Kodràmor; the members of this aristocratic family had conspired in order to concoct a deadly waterborne malady with the use of dark magick, and they maliciously spread it in various water deposits throughout the kingdom. Essentially they had hoped to thusly cause societal instability and public disdain against the reigning king and queen, ulmately aiming to depose them and seize the throne in the upheaval of the supposed plague. In order to thank Vendelinoc Ghe’eti for their invaluable services, the ruling couple offered the school many boons and privileges, such as a monetary yearly donation in perpetuity, the school being exempt from all taxations, and a chosen representative of the Ghe’eti being part of the statutory council of Qìbryss, as well as a personal advisor to the Qìbryssian Crown.
"Mens sana in corpore sano"
"A healthy mind in a healthy body"
— Vendelinoc Ghe'eti's Maxim
Founding Date
4825 after the events of the Cosmogony, era of Neyrvelë
Educational, School/Academy
Vendeling/Vendelings: those who studied medicine in Vendelinoc Ghe'eti

Sovereign's charter denoting Quìbryss' eternal gratitude to Vendelinoc Ghe'eti for its services to the Crown and the country.

The Sovereign's charter is an official document denoting the boons that the Quìbryssian Crown grants as part of its everlasting patronage towards Vendelinoc Ghe'eti. It also reinforces the bond between Ghe'eti and Quìbryss, with the state acting as protector to the school, and the former claiming a permanent advisory role on the latter's Court.


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