The Abyss Geographic Location in Meintalia | World Anvil
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The Abyss

The Abyss is a realm of pure chaos, evil and darkness, home and birthplace to the demons of the realm. It sits beneath the The Soul Forge but is impossible to enter from this realm as The Ever Flame burns across the barrier, preventing anything from crossing. As a result, the upper layers of the Abyss are a burning, hot, hellscape but as you go deeper into the bottomless demon pits the abyss gets colder and darker, home to the most powerful demons. Although easy enough to enter through interplanar travel, it is much more difficult to leave, requiring either an elaborate and intricate summoning ritual or an act of a God.

The Abyss is where a Souls corruption is cast to when being reforged by The Grand Reaper. On it's way down, it passes through the Ever Flame, charring it and turning it black. This remnant Black Soul would usually wither and wilt away, but Faramel has taken to gathering up these discarded fragments and giving them a twisted version of life, turning them into demons. Natives of the Abyss can only be killed properly in the Abyss; if they are slain in another realm then they simply return to the Abyss, either as an Imp or in their current form depending on the nature of their summoning to the other realm.
Alternative Name(s)
The Hells, Hell, The Underworld, The Demon Pits
Magical Realm
Related Myths


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