The Ever Flame Myth in Meintalia | World Anvil
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The Ever Flame

The fire that ignites the souls of all.

Also known as the Divine Fire, the Ever Flame is a divine relic worshipped by most followers of fire dieties. It's unique in that it has a silver hue, burns brighter and hotter than a standard flame and cannot be extinguished. Fractions of the ever flame exist in most major places of worship dedicated to the fire deities, usually kept in a bronze brazier or lantern.

Historical Basis

Hailing from a time before even the God's, the Ever Flame originated in the The Elemental Plane of Fire. Legend says that when The Grand Reaper forged the first souls, it required a flame so hot and pure that it could temper magic itself. One such flame existed, a great silver fire that burnt more fiercely and brighter than any other, kept by Pyrize in the Elemental Plane of Fire. Existing in the Elemental Plane of Fire meant the surroundings burned with such a strong heat that the tempered souls could not be cooled or set, and so the Grand Reaper asked Pyrize to remove the Ever Flame from the Plane and take it somewhere more usable. Pyrize agreed and along with the Grand Reaper pulled the Ever flame from it's home plane and into the upmost reaches of The Abyss. However, pulling such a powerful magical relic through the walls of reality scarred the bridge between The Abyss and the Plane of Fire, causing the upmost reachers of the Abyss to burn even to this day. It was here, on the top layer of the Abyss, that The Soul Forge makes it's home, utilising the Ever Flame and going on to create and refine the souls of the Gods.


The Ever Flame is a widely known legend, with followers of the fire deities found in every corner of the globe. It's one of the most common legends in the world, being taught in most schools and passed down throughout most cultures globally.

Variations & Mutation

One variant of the Ever Flame myth suggests that Pyrize did not give ofer the Ever Flame Willingly and that it was actually stolen by Cain and pulled into the Abyss, leaving the bridge between the worlds scarred. Angered by this, Pyrize set the upper reaches of the Abyss aflame to burn permanantly. It isn't until much later that the Grand Reaper decided to forge souls and search for the flame, finding it in The Abyss and constructing the Soul Forge around it.
Another variant speaks of Pyr, God of Fire being the one to pull the Ever Flame from the Elemental Plane of Fire, crediting him for the spark that created the Soul Forge, however most non-zealots disregard this as a viable legend due to the fact that without the Soul Forge, Pyr would not exist.

Cultural Reception

Most cultures accept this legend as fact and history, fully believing it happened even if they don't follow the faith themselves. Playing a key part in what is widely regarded to be the true origin of life and the life cycle of souls, it makes sense for the Ever Flame to exist, and with fractions of it being present throughout the world it is hard to deny it's existence.

In Literature

The legend of the Ever Flame is present in all books regarding the origin of the realms and souls, as well as folk songs telling of the events that brought the Ever Flame into the Forge. There is one holy book based around the Ever Flame and the Fire Deities, known as the Tome of Flames.

In Art

Despite being a silver flame, it is often depicted in pieces of bronze metal work. The Ever Flame is also present in the symbols used to depict Pyrize and Pyr and followers of their faith often wear jewelery of these icons cast in bronze. There exists several tapestries and pieces of art work in most temples of the Ever Flame depicting it, traditionally kept in a bronze brazier or lantern, or sometimes just the flame alone and uncontained.
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