The Divine Realm Geographic Location in Meintalia | World Anvil
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The Divine Realm

The first realm to have been created, the Divine Realm is a place of unimaginable divine power that the deities of the world call home. The Divine Realm is in the very centre of all realms and is a radiant plane of divine energy populated by floating paradisal islands among the clouds. The Grand Monarchsallegedly reside locked away deep within the centre of this realm, but most of the realm is populated by the Gods. It is almost impossible to access by any being less than a Spirit, save for a few gateways scattered throughout other realms.

Although created by the Grand Monarchs, the physical aspects were created by the Greater Spirits and much of the realm has been shaped and built upon by the Gods.

It is one realm that contains dozens of other minor realms, different planes created within this one by the Gods to reside within, manifest their domain unhindered by others, and even act as an afterlife for their devoted followers.
Alternative Name(s)
The Heavens
Magical Realm
Included Locations

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