The Dreamscape Geographic Location in Meintalia | World Anvil
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The Dreamscape

A magical realm of pure happiness and imagination where there are no limitations that sits above Luxum. The Dreamscape was created when Somnium, Goddess of Dreams was born and is the one of only two fully fledged realms to be created and fully governed by a God.

Unlike most realms, it is inaccessible through interplanar travel; the only way in is to fall alseep. When asleep, a mortals soul traverses the planes and enters either the Dreamscape of The Fearscape, this realms dark twin, tethered to their bodies. The soul then shapes the Dreamscape around them, making their wildest fantasies a reality while the body rests.

Although almost anything is possible within the Dreamscape, nothing here can affect the other realms. This means that whatever happens in the Dreamscape is entirely self contained, and although it can leave a temporary imprint on the souls that travel here it cannot permanantly affect them. Most souls in Luxum travel here when asleep, and ocassionally souls from Noxum also find their way to this wondrous realm.
Magical Realm


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