The Elemental Planes Geographic Location in Meintalia | World Anvil
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The Elemental Planes

Surrounding the divine and mortal realms are the Elemental Planes. This is where the four Greater Elemental Spiritslive and is an incredibly varied realm of elemental chaos. There are four main sections of the elemental planes: The plane of water, an endless, unfathomable ocean; The plane of fire, and endless burning expanse of lava and flame; the plane of earth, a bottomless mass of earth and stone that forms the bottom reaches of the elemental planes; and the plane of air, a never ending sky that sits above the others. Aside from these four, there are smaller, lesser elemental planes where the major planes meet. These include the elemental planes of ash, steam, magma, lightning, mud, mist, salt, ice and sand among others.

The Elemental Planes were created by the Greater Elemental Spirits in order to fully exercise their domain and contain the pure elemental chaos that comes from their presence. It is home mainly to elemental spirits, however some mortal races do reside here, albeit most have adapted to survive the elements either through generations of exposure or from transmutational boons from the elemental Gods that they worship.
Magical Realm
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