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History of Kalukons

A collection of all major and significant events in Kalukon history in Meintalia.

The Kalukons Arrival

7831 8425

The Kalukon arrive and settle in Meintalia.

  • 0 KA

    The First Kalukon Arrive in Meintalia
    Population Migration / Travel

    The first Kalukons appear in the North, possibly from Norwynn.

    Additional timelines
  • 594 KA

    16 Daysfade

    The First Kalukon Prime Comes Into Power
    Cultural event

    Nobody knows who they are or how they became the leader, but the first Kalukon Prime leads the Kalukon people.

Age of Kalukon Prime

8425 and beyond

The first Kalukon leader rises to power and the Kalukon follow their lead.

  • 0 AoKP

    16 Daysfade

    The First Kalukon Prime Comes Into Power
    Cultural event

    Nobody knows who they are or how they became the leader, but the first Kalukon Prime leads the Kalukon people.