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Holden Cross

The Lawbringer Scootithan Son of Scootimus

Born of a Roman centurion who had been taken away from his home dimension, Scootithan grew up hearing his father's tales of Rome, and his sorry in not being able to return. When the portals thusly opened, and the raiders first emerged, Scootithan's father, Scootimus, died trying to protect his village and wife. The looting of the village and surrounding area continued on for 4 days. It was ended on the 5th day when a man clad in armor wielding a poleaxe entered the village. The man opened a large book bound in leather and iron, and held closed with a lock of steel. The man slowly and meticulously flipped through a number of pages, stopping at one, which he read carefully, and then with mighty force he slammed the book closed. "I have judged you, and have found you guilty" the man said, and he then rushed the raiders. None could face his axe, and those that tried, could not pierce his armor. When the fighting was over, none of the raiders remained alive, and as he arrived, so did the man leave. Scootithan followed him, and begged to be trained by him, to which the man refuzed and shoved the young boy aside. Scootithan, determined, followed the man to a stronghold built into the side of a mountain. The man, named Adeodatus, impressed by such determination, brought him into the stronghold to present to the grandmaster of the Order of Lawbringers, Lucius Venta. The grandmaster allowed Scootithan to join the order as an apprentice to Adeodatus, and for the next 15 years, he was trained. When Scootimus was 22, he began the final task to complete his journy to becoming a Lawbringer, to forge his armor, the creation of which is a secret of the order. The task would take him 2 years to complete, but when he was done, he donned the armor, and received his Codex of Law.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He is incredibly strong, one of the effects of training for 15 years for his duties.

Body Features

A side effect of his training is dozens of scars all throughout his body, some more severe than others

Facial Features

lighter scarring on his face, and he grows a short beard, as well as medium length hair

Physical quirks

his lungs have slightly stunted growth from drilling himself too hard during the growing process, so prolonged engagements cause him to breath heavier than average

Mental characteristics

Mental Trauma

Entire village was sacked and burned when he was 7, a crime for which he hates interdimensional travelers

Morality & Philosophy

The Law is all the matters, and must be obeyed and enforced


Breaking the law

Personality Characteristics


his father's teachings, and his loyalty to the order.


Contacts & Relations

All lawbringers swear oaths to aid each other in times of need, an sees his mentor Adeodatus as a father figure

Family Ties

His mother's family owns an inn in Lakefall City




Towards Holden Cross


Holden Cross


Towards Tok


Wealth & Financial state

He has access to the Order's resources

Pray you do not meet him, and when he finds you, pray you have done no wrong

View Character Profile
Lawful Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Vardenheim Village
Current Residence
The Judicial Bastion
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages

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