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Winged denizens of the sky, harpies are creatures that combine the delicate beauty of a woman and the fierce talons of bird of prey. They make their nests in mountainous regions and live their lives in small groups of three to ten individuals, hunting off smaller creatures and having a particular tendency for attacking man. For such reason, there is a common misconception that harpies are bestial creatures, but the fact is that they are quite sapient and intelligent, usually matching that of a man's, albeit they rely a lot on their instincs and primal nature.    Harpies are most commonly found in central and northern Människar, and they're a particular pest for Legacyans towards the north of the Sky Peak Mountains and the Mountains of Hope, in which theyr often steal and prey on livestock.   

Basic Information


Like other humanoid creatures, harpies are half bird and half human: instead of legs and arms they possess talons and wings, but their torso and head are those of a woman's. 

Genetics and Reproduction

There are no male harpies, instead, harpies are capable of producing offspring without a partner, yet they can only do so every few years, reason as to why they protect their nests with great ferocity. 
Sapient One
30 to 60 years
Geographic Distribution