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The longinquous and exotic lands to the south of Brandjorden, where lush forests are found and the bronze-skinned Ladakhians built their empires upon. The land is named in honor of a gargantuam volcano that lies to the north of the land, Mount Ladakh. 

  Ladakh is a remote land, barely known by most of Människar and home to a number of mystical and fantastical tales. There are a number of kingdoms, large and small, wealthy and powerful that occupy the vastness of the southern continent and they are only known for their exotic customs and fancy culture. Unlike the northern part of Brandjorden, Ladakh has rich and fertile lands, with many rivers cutting across the territory like tendrils that bring life to the earth.

Very rarely, adventurers and mercenaries travel north to Manniskar, seeking their own luck. As with other southrons, they are seem with distrust and suspicion by the manniskarians.