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Lars Hammerstein

(a.k.a. The Black Dog)

Lars Hammerstein was born in Kaspitov, Arialor, and grew up an orphan, in which his parents died when he was a baby. Instead, he was raised by his grandfather, a renowned and powerful Lord, Olgierd Hammerstein. From a young age, he was tutored by the castle's maester and later assigned as an apprentice to a "knight" in his grandfather's court. He would spend most of his days following the older warrior around, who in truth had nothing of chivalrous to himself, being in reality, a mercenary and cutthroat.

The consequence of this apprenticeship was Lars learning to become just as merciless and despicable as his master, Sebastian Fendler, known around as Howler. He learned to master the sword, becoming a renowned duelist, infamous for his speed and accuracy, albeit sometimes relying on less noble tactics. As he became an adult, Lars was quickly charmed by the pleasures of life: whorehouses, gambling, drinking and more, which progressively made the young knight lose his interest in the affairs of state, in rulership and above all, in religion.

Time passed and Lars carried on in his rather hedonistic life, something that should spiral most men towards failure and misery, but not this particular man; With each year, he became better and more skilled; he learned how to track, both animals and people; he became interested in magic and the occult, learning to appreciate and seek out lost artifacts from ancient times. This newfound taste for the mysterious and supernatural worked its way to set Lars apart from Fendler, who was little more than a brute. Finally, during one auspicious night at the nearby village, the two had an argument which quickly led to swords being drawn.

Implacable, the Howler stood no chance against the much younger, much faster man, and was defeated, but not without landing a serious blow against Lars, who wouldn't kill his master, and left. He had had enough of the facade he sustained for his grandfather: he marched to his castle and into the throne room, where he scorned and defied his grandparent, accusing him of countless crimes. The court was left speechless as not even the guards dared face the heir, who spat and the floor and left, exiling himself. Lars had started his life as an adventurer and adopted his own heraldry, a ferocious black dog over a gray field. 




Towards Lars Hammerstein


Lars Hammerstein


Towards Talia


Year of Birth
1001 EL 24 Years old
Medium Dark
Skin Tone/Pigmentation