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Lore of Evocation (Frammaning)

Referred simply as Frammaning, the Lore of Evocation, as the name suggests, comprehends the ability of a marked to "bring forth" - to animate the inanimated, to make material that which is immaterial. It makes up one of the six major lores of the White Essence, Magi, and ranks as the second most common mark wizards possess. Moreover, it is quite a branched lore, encompassing a number of different aptitudes and abilities sorcerers wield, such as Essential, Animistic, Natural, Necromancy, Dark and Holy Evocation, with some unclassified ones also being described. Yet, a significant portion of evocators are able to manipulate at least two of these branches.

Evocators have a tendency to be willfull and ingenious, both qualities that somewhat influence the skill of the caster. Renowned members of this lore are Tridon Achterberg and Vadim Avexor. The source of magic for evocation is both the marked's whole body and his own lifeforce, required to sustain any and all animations. Robes wore by Evocators tend to be silvery, golden or gray, similar to the colors of their spells. Overcasting results in exhaustion physical pain, going as far as blackouts and even death should a caster insist of maintaining a given animation beyond their limits. The symbol of evocation is a central circle surrounded by outward arrows.

Branches and Spells


Essential Evocation

Comprehends the ability to bring forth physical objects of various sizes to the caster's bidding and which requires no maintenance. It includes, for example, the ability to create artificial food, everyday objects, weapons, clothing and nearly any other item. However, most evocated objects tend to be rather weak, bland (for food) and of simple materials. Evocators are incapable of creating noble metals, such as Gold, Silver, Platinum, Frystine and more. The quality and precision of the evocation relies on the ability of the caster.

Animistic Evocation

Includes the summoning of constructs, golems and atronachs, as well as the animation of mundane objects, giving them 'life'. It requires constant sustaining by the caster, whose magic serve as lifeforce for the evocated being. It varies greatly in number, size and nature, relying on the ability of the marked and his environment (i.e it is nigh impossible to summon a water elemental in the desert). Like Essential evocation, such beings cannot be made from noble metals, neither can objects of these materials be animated.

Natural Evocation

Includes the ability to evocate living beings, usually plants, fungi and others, but not animals, with some overlap with Animistic Evocation. NE spells include things like sprouting grappling vines from the ground, causing trees to grow enormous branches and even animating them altogether, summoning treants and other beings. Unlike Essential Evocation, this branch allows one to grow natural food by causing trees and bushes to grow fruit, berries and more.

Necromantic Evocation

The most vile and frowned upon branch of magic, despised in the whole of Mellanvärlden and a heinous crime in Människar, punishable by death. Consists in the animation of wights, skeletons, ghosts and any other phenomena that include the raising of the dead, be it after their knowledge or for them to serve as minions. Requires sustaining from the caster.


Dark, Holy and other types of evocation include the ability to bring forth otherwordly minions and summons, such as Kaoran Imps and Larian Angels. It is considered a very rare aptitude and requires immense skill. Not only, it is also seen as an afront to these otherwordly beings as a whole, for it represents an attempt to mime their form.
The symbol of Frammaning