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The Elementary Essences

Before the beginning of time and the creation of the 7 realms, the One Singularity consisted of an infinitesimally small and dense point made up of pure energy sitting in the vastness of the cosmos. It sat there for eons and eons without change, the nothingness around the everything.

When the Great Shattering happened, the singularity got split and the 7 realms took form out of 6 elementary essences, which were each named with a color by humanity, but only due to the limited way they perceive such metaphysical phenomena. Even so, only a few gifted individuals are capable of actually seeing or feeling these essences, for it is equally unlikely that they will find enough of it concentrated into a small point or that their minds would even be capable of comprehending it, as the majority of people would merely see a distortion wherever the essences are concentrated.

Those capable of seeing these essences might at some point in their lives manifest the ability of turning these essences into magic, although it almost always happens with the white essence, Magi.
Eager students and young aspirants for knowledge might also make the mistake of assuming that all essences are capable of being manipulated and converted into magical phenomena, for some can only be manifested as emotions or raw knowledge, such as the essence that makes up Alvandar , which is the embodiment of peace, fertility and the knowledge about flora and fauna.

The Six Essences


  • The Green Essence of Alvandar - Välstånd
  • The Black Essence of Skuggar - Bedrövelse
  • The Golden Essence of Larianor - Beställa
  • The Orange Essence of Calystar - Styrka
  • The Red Essence of Kaorar - Lidande
  • The White Essence of Kunskar - Magi

And so, as each realm is essentially filled with one particular essence, their influence is limited to each world, which explains why the order of Larianor can never sweep into Kaorar or the peace of Alvandar into the apocalypse that is Calystar. The exception to this rule is Mellanvärlden itself, which has no essence of itself, but rather is influenced by all other six.
Metaphysical, Elemental