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Lore of the Soul (Själens Lardom)

Officially named the Själens Lardom, the Lore of the Soul is a mysterious, yet utterly powerful lore of Magi, one amongst six of the White Essence of Kunskar. The Lore of the Soul is divided between the dominion over Life, Death and Fate, although the real extent of the lore goes far beyond such matters. It is also a very rare mark, representing less than 3% of all casters.

Soul Wizards are called Själi (singular and plural) and are known to wear Orange, Black and White robes. Their skills usually concern, but are not limited to, healing and decaying spells, the study of fate, of magical objects and anomalies and the frowned upon act of soul linking. Själi tend to be 'extreme', be it for good or bad, as Life Wizards tend to be compassionate and naive, while Death Sorcerers are cold and uncaring. It is a subjet of debate whether the lore influences the individual or if the magical ability relies altogether on their personality and mood. The source of magic for the Själens Lardom is, as the name suggests, the soul itself. Overcasting tends to have dramatic, long-term and permanent consequences, causing deep changes in the personality and disposition of the Sjali.

Known or otherwise powerful Själi include the sorceress Daniella Cromwell, Louise Delacroix, Sigrund Tormond and Katarzyna Desislava.

In addition, Själi have a strong sensitivity for magical objects, which helps them not only track, but understand said objects, which they do through the use of intense study, rituals and more. It is theorized that they possess the ability to commune with otherwordly deities and see the true nature of those around them, which in practice, works in a way that the Soul Wizard can see and sense not only Magi, but nearly all elementary essences. Life wizards can heal wounds and sickness and keep others alive indefinitely if needed, even without food or water (although with associated risks), but cannot heal themselves or any afflictions of the mind. Death wizards possess the ability to wither and drain the lifeforce of the living, be them people or wild creatures.

Like other lores, Själi can also cast 'generalist' spells which use the soul as source, such as light, missile and defensive spells. It is also the Lore with the largest number of known rituals. Finally, although seemingly branched, there is significant debate whether the Själens Lardom is one or many.
The symbol of the Själens Lardom