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Silver Hammer

Named after the characteristic polishing of Umeran armour, the Silver Hammer is a reference to the city-state's implacable army. Albeit far from being the largest standing army in the world, Umera prouds itself for the quality of said army, composed of mostly heavy cavalry, pikemen and men-at-arms.

Being a sovereign city-state, it is a common misconception to think of both Umera and Sarusa as rather defenseless targets, but what they lack in numbers and territory, they make up for quality and their immense wealth. When it comes to Umera, war is hardly ever its intention, for the city lacks any sort of manpower to actively conquer or occupy other kingdoms and holds no desire of doing so. Yet, if war comes to them, their army will excel against any invaders.

Should one gaze upon the geography around Umera, they'd notice the city lies stranded, cornered by the sea to the east and south and built into the stone of the Sky Peak Mountains to the north. Finally, the eastern road is the only access point to the city, a well-built road that passess by the side of the mountain wall and cornered on both sides by forest. The plains by the city gates are ideal for cavalry and the gates are easily protected by rows of pikemen, should the city decide to face any besiegers. Of this matter, attempting to besiege Umera is more likely to be taken as a joke rather than serious military action, given its naval prowess and close ties with Sarusa, the maritime power of Mellanvärlden.

Aside from the glimmering of Umeran armor, the term "Hammer" comes from the fact that invading armies are pummelled hard by the city's countless defenses: outposts across the mountainwall will rain arrows over armies while the slightly downhill plains are favourable for poweful sweeps of their heavy cavalry, while opposing charges are met uphill by rows of pikemen and men-at-arms.



The Umeran Silver Hammer averages in about 40 thousand strong.


Quality steel plate, struntine maces and warhammers and excellent sword and pikes made of ash wood.



The city does no conscription or raises levies from the surrounding lands, instead, the army is entirely profissional, kept at all times, although during times of hardship, their numbers can go as low as 20 thousand strong.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
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